Hecno's on going organics

@WildBill Yes I do think you could put it into capsules ground up fine , but I was told chewing it to get all the juices out then swallowing the pulp gives the full affect . :thumbsup:
I'm one of the strange ones......I like the taste of canna. I guess I got it from some cookies a friend used to make with canna. They were made from a very good raisin oatmeal cookie recipe.
that was 1 of my urban legends mazrilla. huge main bud.
right place , -- still no cap lock , waiting on a key board . anyway , end of week 7 , 6 days fish pond water 1 day with earth juice 25% . i will be diluting the fish pond water soon to lower the nitrogen . did it a bit early last time . 3 weeks to go maybe more , so steady steady guys . :thumbsup:

@Waira howdy mate , cobs , i like a lot , as you know i am new to it , the reason i had 1 gram was to set a base to work on :haha: silly me , total spaced out last lot . maybe point 4 of a gram . we will see . :biggrin: i hear you on the scopes , i do not want to go down that path , i don't need to , waira you have seen what i have been up to over the years as well as some of the other lads . - observation and learning by my mistakes - not dial a answer . i might be a bit of a old bugger , he is a yarn for ya , i am still getting butcher shops down south ringing we to work for them . why i say , answer , the younger butchers have very low skills . , something else i am also seeing is the seasonal aspect when building soil , which is a big subject on its own . as you know mate all i do is by observation . remember the caveman computer , still going . :crying::cheers::smoking:
Here we are at the end of week 8 . They have had 5 waterings this week , 1 was with earth juice and 2 where plain water . 2 with fish pond water . I will let them go another week or so and I will let them tell me when they are at the stage I like . I also moved the back plant to the front . :thumbsup:
Here we are at the end of week 8 . They have had 5 waterings this week , 1 was with earth juice and 2 where plain water . 2 with fish pond water . I will let them go another week or so and I will let them tell me when they are at the stage I like . I also moved the back plant to the front . :thumbsup: View attachment 1310367View attachment 1310369View attachment 1310370View attachment 1310371View attachment 1310372View attachment 1310373View attachment 1310375View attachment 1310376View attachment 1310377View attachment 1310378
Masterful @hecno . Having a tough time resisting the urge to get the Mazer Facker soaking. Getting nicely frosted. Must be smelling lovely.
@Waira howdy mate , cobs , i like a lot , as you know i am new to it , the reason i had 1 gram was to set a base to work on :haha: silly me , total spaced out last lot . maybe point 4 of a gram . we will see . :biggrin: i hear you on the scopes , i do not want to go down that path , i don't need to , waira you have seen what i have been up to over the years as well as some of the other lads . - observation and learning by my mistakes - not dial a answer . i might be a bit of a old bugger , he is a yarn for ya , i am still getting butcher shops down south ringing we to work for them . why i say , answer , the younger butchers have very low skills . , something else i am also seeing is the seasonal aspect when building soil , which is a big subject on its own . as you know mate all i do is by observation . remember the caveman computer , still going . :crying::cheers::smoking:
I imagine the cob tinkering is an ongoing thing Hec, since the potency is reflected in the individual cultivars just the same as it is when smoked! A 1/2g of one may be just right, not enough, or even too much... Factor in the variable status of what's in your GI tract at the time, and it can be tricky getting a reliable feel for your dosing....
Have you tried the mango-trick? :eyebrows: -- A fat myrcene boost elevates the penetration through the blood-brain barrier and can kick things up a couple notches if you like, or caution you to go more easy if you happened to have snacked on a nice juicy mango beforehand! :dizzy:

Too bad about the microscope thing, I'm certain your soil is a whole lecture series on Life in there :smoking:... but you're right, it would be a project to learn the just how-to stuff, then the genuinely difficult part of ID'ing what all you're looking at!
.... Hey it could be your chance at immortality mate, maybe have a new species of something named after you - :king:

I'm hardly surprised you being pursued by shops still! It begs the question why such a shortage of skilled butchers, and why they expect to find them if nobody bloody wants to train them! Are there not trade schools helping with this? The rest is just plain hours and hours of experience and on-the-job learning I imagine....:shrug:... likely your gardening gig and side smoking are plenty to keep you out of troubles!

The seasonal soil cycling thing is the key behind your super soil mate, maturity and bio-diversity can't be rushed! And you learn so much by observing over time, ruminating over things, researching and applying what you've learned,... you are intimate with your soil! - :hump: :rofl: :bow:

Then you have your cheatin' bastards like me :rolleyes2:... KIS soil for auto's is ready, richness reduced vs. last year I hope... recall it was a bit N heavy, and caused some N-tox symptoms... I'm going to try nematodes this time to fight the damn gnats, and top dressing with frass....
Tent goes up this week outside as usual, then the new light trial starts. I'll dry run things to see what kind of temp's I can maintain in there.. Oh, the light is my first quantum board, same brand that Bushmaster is trying in his thread: FTG Lighting.. fanless at last! the AutoCOB's will be used for the ends and spot lighting, Q-board for the tent core...
Then it's time to mix and cook the photo's soil! :joy: Still planning to do a staged transplant to restrict the size some more, and have a fresh load of nutes available when they go to final pot 10'ers. I'm sure I'll have to do some supp' feeding, but hopefully not as much as last year.. I'm going to try and keep ahead of it better this round! I saw a nice product for early-mid bloom, Dr. Earth Bulb food (3-15-2?), may give that a go....

Are you doing any OD girls this year? If so, let's get in PM about seeds. Even if not this year, there are some fantastic original Haze crosses made by MadMac from GMC that would be great choices to try,... few fem's though, nearly all reg's...

:drool: damn those girls are ripening to perfection! Showing very consistent pheno's too, buds look identical to all the others...:greenthumb:
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