Hecno's on going organics

@Budson 420 thank you , The progress has been a joy and still is , There is a saying in my trade called -- Paddock to plate -- I'm at the boning out stage , :biggrin: @smokeyfromau When you are ready I can help you heaps with making your own soil , I know where to get every thing from .
@Waira I totally agree with what you say about water only soil , I believe the organic bagged soil is targeted at a market . I notice a lot of new growers asking question have no concept of nutrients or how soil works , Never mind reading the plant . To much of a hurry . :smoking:
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Hey Hecno, thanks for mate for the help.I have a wheelie bin fully used searles organic potting mix with perltie in it. it would be a base or not with perlite? haha i wold hate to have to sift it all but i could. Currently using the searles advanced premium soil again, seems the time release nutes dont do much, not enough for the plants, i so add to it Plants looking awesome mate, and the bare tree, has that just been in bloom
@smokeyfromau Perlite I don't use . He is why , and what I do . First up searles is just a base and starting point . to this I add cow or horse manure
or both-Molasses, blended Banana stems , 2 things these do , 1st adds nutrients to the soil and worm feed being laid on top of the soil , as I add native worms to the soil they will take it deeper down . -- Worms are the workers here -- This will sit for the first month -- Then I start adding in the 2nd month . Liquid sea weed . - Powdered Bat Guano which I make in a coffee grinder - Charlie Carp - Fulic acid - Humic acid - composted leaf litter -
At he beginning of the 3rd month I will turn the soil over with a pitch fork . This is the only time i will do this till potting up - the rest of the time the worms have built up to a size they do all the work . The secret here is keeping the worms happy , This is where the banana stems and manure comes in , it is feeding them . also stuff from the kitchen - water melon peel etc , Now all the main ingredients go in the first month to give them time to break down . I also add Go Go juice for microbes , and have started to use Mammoth P . -- The big one -- moisture -- Keep a eye on it , never to dry or to wet , To wet the worms run away . When watering I always Ph the water to 6.5 . Most of the time the soil is close to 4 months old before I pot up .-- Why I don't use perlite-- , for a start I don't have to . The soil being heavy in organic inputs I get a soil that is free draining but holds moisture very well . This is where the Humic acid comes in to help . A brief outline .

  • Powerful chelating agent when soil applied.
  • Increases root growth and healthy root development for increased access to soil nutrients.
  • Increases & stimulates beneficial microbial activity & quickly reduces harmful microbes.
  • Increase soil moisture retention.
  • Increases yield and plants immune system.
  • Stimulate cell elongation and division.
  • Detoxifies various pollutants in the soil (herbicides, pesticides, heavy metals, etc.)
  • Buffer soil pH.
  • Increase crop yield.
Now to potting up , I get soil from different parts of the tub and fill the pot , I prefer 27 lt but will do 18 lt as in the grow I have going now .
Watering pots I never run to waste , I don't see the point of it , I understand my soil and know how much to water and what little run off I do get , which I aim for gets pulled back into the soil , Spent a bit of time learning this . I am now at the stage the plants are getting 1100 ml a day . my NPK bottle usage is way way down , at least 90 % less . I am not aiming for a water only soil , just close . Once you get a better understanding of your soil you have way less issues with your plants , -- The more time you spend on soil , the better the plants will be . :thumbsup:

:hippy: :jump: :pass: Thanks Hecno mate, thats is great you dont have to use any perlite, i guess even the Sealres soil stock, has good drainage. I got from the plant doctor humic and fulic acid. I saw Charlie carp and thought it would be good for the girls to have, even during bloom for the little extra N and benefits of the fish. Also the vegetables once they have bloomed instead of disgarding the plant i could use it to break down.
@smokeyfromau No . Charlie carp . not for flower , don't get me wrong as it is very good if you do use it cut it back . the NPK is 10 . 1 . 6 you are not going to feed that to them . Charlie carp is very good for building soil . a very good microbe builder , Cut back on the - N - in flower .
Today 5 1/2 weeks . :thumbsup:

@smokeyfromau Perlite I don't use . He is why , and what I do . First up searles is just a base and starting point . to this I add cow or horse manure
or both-Molasses, blended Banana stems , 2 things these do , 1st adds nutrients to the soil and worm feed being laid on top of the soil , as I add native worms to the soil they will take it deeper down . -- Worms are the workers here -- This will sit for the first month -- Then I start adding in the 2nd month . Liquid sea weed . - Powdered Bat Guano which I make in a coffee grinder - Charlie Carp - Fulic acid - Humic acid - composted leaf litter -
At he beginning of the 3rd month I will turn the soil over with a pitch fork . This is the only time i will do this till potting up - the rest of the time the worms have built up to a size they do all the work . The secret here is keeping the worms happy , This is where the banana stems and manure comes in , it is feeding them . also stuff from the kitchen - water melon peel etc , Now all the main ingredients go in the first month to give them time to break down . I also add Go Go juice for microbes , and have started to use Mammoth P . -- The big one -- moisture -- Keep a eye on it , never to dry or to wet , To wet the worms run away . When watering I always Ph the water to 6.5 . Most of the time the soil is close to 4 months old before I pot up .-- Why I don't use perlite-- , for a start I don't have to . The soil being heavy in organic inputs I get a soil that is free draining but holds moisture very well . This is where the Humic acid comes in to help . A brief outline .

  • Powerful chelating agent when soil applied.
  • Increases root growth and healthy root development for increased access to soil nutrients.
  • Increases & stimulates beneficial microbial activity & quickly reduces harmful microbes.
  • Increase soil moisture retention.
  • Increases yield and plants immune system.
  • Stimulate cell elongation and division.
  • Detoxifies various pollutants in the soil (herbicides, pesticides, heavy metals, etc.)
  • Buffer soil pH.
  • Increase crop yield.
Now to potting up , I get soil from different parts of the tub and fill the pot , I prefer 27 lt but will do 18 lt as in the grow I have going now .
Watering pots I never run to waste , I don't see the point of it , I understand my soil and know how much to water and what little run off I do get , which I aim for gets pulled back into the soil , Spent a bit of time learning this . I am now at the stage the plants are getting 1100 ml a day . my NPK bottle usage is way way down , at least 90 % less . I am not aiming for a water only soil , just close . Once you get a better understanding of your soil you have way less issues with your plants , -- The more time you spend on soil , the better the plants will be . :thumbsup:
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Nice tutorial bud.Its all in there.Peace please
:pass: morning @hecno, girls are looking nice and healthy for 5.5 weeks. I had a look organic charlie carp its N is 2.6 and N10 for the all purpose and it helps getting rid of those nasty fish in our rivers., the drought didnt kill them like our cod and natives. I keep up the 5in1 first week or so for bloom as N is 6.5, PK 12/41 potash, richgro phosporus. The worms would help also with drainage as they go about the soil, feeding etcl
1 day short of 6 weeks . This is one time . Cal/mag -Bat guano -S weed - Humic acid - amino acid - Molasses - Rest of the days plain water . I will say the room is to full . I like 4 plants not 6 , the little girl is tucked away so she is not getting a lot of light but I am getting closer to a bigger room and I have had know problems so far , I will be watching them very closely and they can start feeding of what is still in the soil , but if need be they will get little amounts of PK @The_Skunkist Bloody rippers mate . :thumbsup:
Here we are at the end of week 7 @The_Skunkist This week they have had 6 days plain water and one with Fulvic - Humic - Amino acid - Molasses -Mammoth P -and a little PK hit which was 4 days ago . Room temp 24c and humidity 45 % . They way I am thinking is I will take them beyond 8 weeks , and they will be on water only .

My little girl . And -J- cheese I get in 1 kg blocks from the local supermarket .
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