Hecno's on going organics

:drool: --- yet another beauty in the books mate :d5: .... from the looks of her at finish, I'd say she was a lighter feeder, and/or the soil was richer and the herd was masterfully cycling it all just right! ..... Where did her aroma end up?
I'm curious to see what BW thinks about this pheno',... I was expecting more Sticky Finger traits, but this one look much like her AK107 cousin, favoring the BB side... BTW, how's that last girl smoking so far?
:biggrin: mate, those are millipedes, another forest floor "recycler".... they may release some very nasty stank if you handle them and they get alarmed!
G'Day trend setters , Another day to be happy . My 2 girls are cruising along nicely . F.G has slowed stretching she is 67 cm and M.F is 71 cm she has taken over . in the stretch department and still has some to go . What I have given them so far is , Liquid seaweed - Fulvic acid - Amino acid - Molasses - 1/4 dose P.K . 1/4 Bat guano . and a top dressing . No nitrogen only what is in the pond water . So first up Fighting Gorillaz

Now Mazarilla [ Mazar Fakar ] @The_Skunkist got it right . :biggrin:

And here is the Lad tending his plant , I had just told him about leaf tucking , he did a good job .

@Waira Leek is growing well , I am going to plant some Elephant Garlic as soon a the bulbs get here , good for the back of the room .

Ok smoke report as such AK107 x Big Bud . Sorry to say - yuck , I did not like the taste , sort of wet sock taste , [ no mold ] checked for that , the high was fine . no problems there . And Waira where are the orchid flowers you said would be in 5 days time , here I am waiting . :grrr1: :nono::crying::thumbsup:
Lovely looking buds there Hecno mate:pass:, always love your pics mate, lovely lush area, we are also again now, rainforest is slow slow to grow i just planted (doesnt grow like Canna :nono: . I got Nimbin bag seed growing, pure Sativa. The worms are massive, seen some biggies when digging up the grass to replace with rainforest
That time of year , getting the veggie garden ready . Only doing 3/4 this year , I have a feeling we are in for a dry winter - Hope not - Lots of worm in there so that is good . added a heap of age cow manure and put fish frames in round 3 to 4 months ago and I'll get serious with planting in about a month . :thumbsup:
Hecno mate with the Corona abouts, Mum wants a vege garden made, i made an half ass job of one last year so will add to that :rofl: now it supports chinese burr, a pretty plant but weed unfortunately. I like yours I think i spot a paw paw. Is that coarse sugar cane or the bagged stuff you get at bunnings.

Here's my rainforest - newly planted ( hope to see faster growth - canna grows must quicker) The existing rainforest down near the creek needs more understorey. then i was a school boy back then :yoinks:, was my favourite thing to do when i got home, plant a weed as i called them to mum
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