Hecno's on going organics

No shortage here at Hecno's place. :biggrin: :smoking: :thumbsup:
Worms on steroids . :crying: Check these bad boys out . I have been keeping a eye on these critters for a while now . The live in the soil and turn into a big black beetle -- I think -- , Look out worms move aside , I have put them into a new batch of soil I am building andI tend to see them with worms , I am also going to gather more to put in the soil , Should be interesting I recon they will turn some soil . :thumbsup:
This is what I have done today , Now the soil in the 2 pots [ big girls ] had dropped a fair it , around 6 liters each , so I have topped them with new soil which brings it back to 27 liter . What I did was dug down to the bottom and took the soil from there . This is the first time I have done this , so we will see how it goes . And as you can see it is load with worms [ native not compost worms ] :thumbsup: View attachment 1166275View attachment 1166276View attachment 1166277
i can feel it :greenthumb: :pass:
Well , I am a happy little vegemite :biggrin: She got the chop today , So day 70 I think , any way what a ripper of a plant and very easy to grow . The soil worked a charm and I am very happy with it .I only added Cal/ Mag 4 times in the entire grow and I put it do to the Bat Guano I used in the soil as I was building it . I like to overestimate costs , so the cost of this grow with power Australian $ 25 . I have 632 grams wet ,so lets say 5 ounces dry . How good is that . The main thing is the work put into building the soil , which for me is a labour of love . Love your soil and it will love you back . And the taste is way better organic , Any way enough of me bullshitting , Here she is . :biggrin: :smoking: :thumbsup: View attachment 1166671View attachment 1166672View attachment 1166673View attachment 1166674View attachment 1166675View attachment 1166676View attachment 1166677View attachment 1166678View attachment 1166679View attachment 1166680
hec never fails to impress:bump: