Hecno's on going organics

@Yeatster Ya 1/2 right , it is Curly grub and worm castings , I nicked the wife's coffee grinder when she went into town to turn it into a nice fine texture
[ don't tell her ] :nono: @Waira Yep they get big . Imagine how much these buggers eat . It will be used in my soil and Mr @Eyes on Fire gave me some good info on how to use it as well . I hope to start my next grow later in the week as my seeds should be here t by then . One thing , you can't farm them like worms , but I found they like living under old cut down banana plants as do the worms . So I'll build the pile up and any grubs I find I will put in the pile - sort of farming them, not like they can run away . :biggrin:
Check this bugger out . Worm from Heaven . Giant Gippsland earthworm - Megascolides australis: These giant earthworms average 1 metre (3.3 ft ] Hows that .
Oh yerr , worm casting by the truck load . I put one in my worm farm and the dam thing ate all the other ones the bloody mongrel . :rofl::smoking::thumbsup:
Well , I must be doing something right , My worm farm is coming along nicely and I am seeing more baby ones which means for them to breed they like where they are living .I'll recap for you what I am doing as it is a bit unconventional , My idea was to replicate where I found them [ under a old banana pile ] so the bottom 40 % is dirt which is high in organic matter ,-- What have I been feeding them -- Chopped up banana plant - coffee grounds - Oat meal - powdered egg shell - Cow manure - and composted straw out of a garden bed -- as it builds up I add another 2 to 3 inch layer of soil . So we shall see how it all turns out . I am about to start another one today as I what to try some different ideas . Next time I'll get some photos of them . Oh and the bloody big python is back , My son and his girlfriend where coming home from being out for dinner and it was at the bottom of our drive way and he had to pull it out the way , so you know what that means , he will end up around the house soon . Problem being I am up and about by 4 am , now I have to keep a eye out .Never know where it might be , because he will smell the dog bones . :thumbsup:
