Hecno's on going organics

I got the chance to finally see Carlos a few yrs. ago at a really nice small outdoor venue, was beyond great. I was leaning against a fence admiring 3 beautiful tour busses that were brought in when I looked at a guy standing next to me and said wow what a sight, Carlos really knows how to travel, they're beautiful. He smilled and turned to me and said, they are beautiful, but those aren't for Carlos, they're for us, he and his wife fly in on his jet. "Wow" I said, your with him tonight? "Yeah", been with him goin on 13 yrs. I said, you seem blessed to be a part of this. He smiled again, turned to me and pulled up his left sleave showing me a tattoo that read, BLESSED on his forearm, smiled and said, "I know". He offered a handshake "I hope you enjoy the evening, perfect for it" we kinda stood there for a moment looking at the venue, the people, it was surreal for me. All I could say was, I know we will, thanks for this, he smiled and said "My pleasure" and we split up. Saw him later on the edge of the stage taking care of tech. stuff, cool. So that's how he even takes care of his people in the background, very giving human being. Nicest busses I've ever seen, a Miejer garden security gut told me it was the largest setup to come in there to date.
There is so many skills in play here
When I got here to Alaska the old-timers were still around who had pioneered and some of their skills and wisdom rubbed off on me maybe...I can't claim to amount to anything in comparison. :haha: I'd be in the' jack of all trades master of none' category lol. I did saw up all the wood for my house though, I can watch those guys saw big logs for entertainment now:biggrin:
Great tunes again this a.m. Hecno:thumbsup:
@archie space gemmill
