Hecno's on going organics

Yes, I can see few disadvantages to growing up with some outdoor/real world skills even if they chose a different path.
Harvest is over 2100 grams wet weight , I was aiming for 4 ounce a plants and it looks like I will get it on a average , this is how it goes - [ Grams ] 404 - 510 - 542 - 644 - [ wet [ Now what went wrong first --- too many plants for the room [ 4 ] due to size of plants I could not move them around so there was shading from each other on the lower branches . then late in the grow a magnesium problem started , this was due to my fault as I did not allow for it when building the soil . With the inputs I put in I had every thing covered but the Mag . I fixed it but I believe it cost me in yield , Apart from the mag problem the soil worked great and got me 62 days without feeding any N.P.K [ Bottle ] or Cal/ Mag so what did I use . along the way . Bloom Roots [ Root builder ]-- Fulvic acid -- Amino acid -- Insect Frass -- Molasses -- Liquid seaweed -- Bloom ooze -- Bloom PK . [ All Australian products ] That is the basic run down .
@The_Skunkist The plants . I have to say I was not expecting the height of them .




This one is the wonky one , and the best plant . Just goes to show ,ya never know .



Wonky one . Both .

All together .


Over all I am very happy with the grow , The_Skunkist you did a fine job with this cross mate :thumbsup:
Right now I am going to tale 2 weeks off and start again . This time I will be doing a photo grow . I was hoping to do a outdoor as well , but that is not going to happen . It is going to be way to hot . the way summer is shaping up we are going to be in the 38 to 42 c range . The heat has started early this year . It is 3.30 am here , so when the wife wakes up I will post some photos of the root systems and soil , If I wake her now she will flog me . :thumbsup:
Harvest is over 2100 grams wet weight , I was aiming for 4 ounce a plants and it looks like I will get it on a average , this is how it goes - [ Grams ] 404 - 510 - 542 - 644 - [ wet [ Now what went wrong first --- too many plants for the room [ 4 ] due to size of plants I could not move them around so there was shading from each other on the lower branches . then late in the grow a magnesium problem started , this was due to my fault as I did not allow for it when building the soil . With the inputs I put in I had every thing covered but the Mag . I fixed it but I believe it cost me in yield , Apart from the mag problem the soil worked great and got me 62 days without feeding any N.P.K [ Bottle ] or Cal/ Mag so what did I use . along the way . Bloom Roots [ Root builder ]-- Fulvic acid -- Amino acid -- Insect Frass -- Molasses -- Liquid seaweed -- Bloom ooze -- Bloom PK . [ All Australian products ] That is the basic run down .
@The_Skunkist The plants . I have to say I was not expecting the height of them .
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This one is the wonky one , and the best plant . Just goes to show ,ya never know .
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Wonky one . Both .
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All together .

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Over all I am very happy with the grow , The_Skunkist you did a fine job with this cross mate :thumbsup:
Right now I am going to tale 2 weeks off and start again . This time I will be doing a photo grow . I was hoping to do a outdoor as well , but that is not going to happen . It is going to be way to hot . the way summer is shaping up we are going to be in the 38 to 42 c range . The heat has started early this year . It is 3.30 am here , so when the wife wakes up I will post some photos of the root systems and soil , If I wake her now she will flog me . :thumbsup:
Very very nice man.,Great grow great show.You got lot of fine stash there.Peace please
Now to the roots . I think more time should be spent on building roots . Now these are 27 liter pots . When you use organic soil I have found not to over water , but have a bit of run off . In my case I let it fill the base , I was doing that by watering 2 2 liter of water every 2 to 3 days , my reasoning is the soil will suck up the water , which means you lose not nutrients so none is wasted . My soil PH for the whole grow was between 6.8 and 7 . To feed the soil I used pro - biotic beneficial bacteria and Phosphate solubilizing bacteria as well as liquid seaweed and molasses . I still have a bit of work to do on my soils to extend the non feeding time , but is sure as hell fun getting there . Don't forget guys , you are more than welcome to comment with ideas . :thumbsup:







I shook it a bit hard so some of the roots feel off .

Also I reuse the soil . This soil will be ready in 3 months , but as I have a heap made it will be more like 6 months before it is used .
Now to the roots . I think more time should be spent on building roots . Now these are 27 liter pots . When you use organic soil I have found not to over water , but have a bit of run off . In my case I let it fill the base , I was doing that by watering 2 2 liter of water every 2 to 3 days , my reasoning is the soil will suck up the water , which means you lose not nutrients so none is wasted . My soil PH for the whole grow was between 6.8 and 7 . To feed the soil I used pro - biotic beneficial bacteria and Phosphate solubilizing bacteria as well as liquid seaweed and molasses . I still have a bit of work to do on my soils to extend the non feeding time , but is sure as hell fun getting there . Don't forget guys , you are more than welcome to comment with ideas . :thumbsup:
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I shook it a bit hard so some of the roots feel off . View attachment 1117874

Also I reuse the soil . This soil will be ready in 3 months , but as I have a heap made it will be more like 6 months before it is used .
Love your root pictures @hecno . Do you save the Roots and make a salve ? I’m going to try that with my saved roots (washed and in the freezer) , as soon as I chop two more plants this week. Must be some good stuff in the roots.
@BCBudlady I don't make a salve . What I do is all but the big roots I leave in the soil . Then start the process again , as you can see in the photo I don't use perlite , or pumice and never have a problem of water logged soil . The goodness in the roots go back to the soil .

Each time I grow I can bring the cost down [ power is out of my hands ] -- With power and other costs [ 450 ] for the grow , If I get the say 16 ounces and the cost here is $350 a ounce I have $5600 , - $450 is $5150 - divided 16 into $450 and I get a cost of $28.12 a ounce . I am happy with that . So the extra work I but into it , the less it will be , and yes there is no labour cost , as it is a labour of love . :biggrin: :thumbsup:
@BCBudlady I don't make a salve . What I do is all but the big roots I leave in the soil . Then start the process again , as you can see in the photo I don't use perlite , or pumice and never have a problem of water logged soil . The goodness in the roots go back to the soil .
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Each time I grow I can bring the cost down [ power is out of my hands ] -- With power and other costs [ 450 ] for the grow , If I get the say 16 ounces and the cost here is $350 a ounce I have $5600 , - $450 is $5150 - divided 16 into $450 and I get a cost of $28.12 a ounce . I am happy with that . So the extra work I but into it , the less it will be , and yes there is no labour cost , as it is a labour of love . :biggrin: :thumbsup:
Awesome soil @hecno, I grow organic but wish I had the knowledge and space to cook my own soil and a good worm bin. Salts just can’t grow the flavors of organic.
28 dollars is a bargain for top shelf , organic weed but the best part is you know exactly how it is grown and cured.
Strangler Fig tree Ficus . I posted a photo a while ago so here is a update , It is growing well and root system is starting to show its name and I will be repotting soon now the growing season has started . I am aiming for a large bonsia style . :thumbsup:



This is what they do in the wild , Eventually they kill the host tree they live on and become stand alone .

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