Hecno's on going organics

@hecno thanks mate, they are heahtly looking plants there. IF i can grow some at home depends on the height of the plants, then mornings in the valley can get pretty cold July and June days would range from high teens to low 20s, and nights , the coldest 3 to 11c range. May, this year was crazy overcast and drizzle, appears the weather patterns are changing. The hill itself would have lower maxes but higher min temps. I got some Dr GrinSpoon on the way and Blue Fire looks great, not much is known about Lemon Candy
Ok , we are away , 7 days old today , Gorilla x Cream Cookie that @Skunkist -- Urban Legends -- kindly sent me to try , Thanks to @syd barrett got me onto . It has been 2 strains I have been wanting to grow for a while now , this way I get 2 for one . :biggrin: I'll start with the soil -- I am thinking this is the best one yet [ time will tell ] The reason I say that is because of the local inputs I am finding out about and break down time in the mix , Plus a better understanding of microbes and how they work . -- Now I will have to tell you it is not a stand alone soil , I still will have to use nutrients , But and a big but , The amount I now use is way down . The soil is just over 4 months old and I have around 300 litre of other soil cooking which will be near on 6 months old by time I use it . I have the plants in 27 litre pots , @Waira I am unsure if the pot size is to big , but I am working on root growth with this grow , again we will see the results at the end . Plus I am lazy , I would like to get more out of 4 instead of having a full room :smoking: I also will be doing a lot more basic training this time around because I have the room . :thumbsup:


And here is another thing I am mucking around with , Desert Rose sculpture . I like doing this when I am stoned . :smoker1:

@smokeyfromau Searles organic compost is good off the shelf stuff . Great for soil building , If you use there Organic soil with there compost as a base to building better soil you can't go wrong , If you start now by time you do your next grow it will be cooked and ready , [ 3 months ] :thumbsup:
@hecno , Searles even has a garden soil with ph 6 -7.5 which sounds nice also ( i think that is what you mean by their organic soil or the potting mix as well) . I will be using it right from the shelf. So i left the soil cook in the bags or under a tarp mixed up for the next grow. Great for the guerilla grow to condition the soil for October planting - start them at home then up to the hill :woohoo: