Ok , we are away , 7 days old today , Gorilla x Cream Cookie that
@Skunkist -- Urban Legends -- kindly sent me to try , Thanks to
@syd barrett got me onto . It has been 2 strains I have been wanting to grow for a while now , this way I get 2 for one .

I'll start with the soil -- I am thinking this is the best one yet [ time will tell ] The reason I say that is because of the local inputs I am finding out about and break down time in the mix , Plus a better understanding of microbes and how they work . -- Now I will have to tell you it is not a stand alone soil , I still will have to use nutrients , But and a big but , The amount I now use is way down . The soil is just over 4 months old and I have around 300 litre of other soil cooking which will be near on 6 months old by time I use it . I have the plants in 27 litre pots ,
@Waira I am unsure if the pot size is to big , but I am working on root growth with this grow , again we will see the results at the end . Plus I am lazy , I would like to get more out of 4 instead of having a full room :smoking: I also will be doing a lot more basic training this time around because I have the room .
And here is another thing I am mucking around with , Desert Rose sculpture . I like doing this when I am stoned .