beautiful :kiss:

that 2nd to last photo is C-H-U-N-K-Y !!

@Yozhik Yes man i know…No1 is shaping up to be quite a heavy plant, it was the plant least affected by the lack of N while they were in the veg stage…the plant on the canes took it the worst, and still produced a load of bud sites. It's about a week behind the others flowering but has potential. The last picture is of a recently super-cropped branch, the top of the bud has turned to the light, behind is the next bud on the branch, it has now grown upwards away from the stem, so it can get more room and light, to swell over the coming weeks. and it's still only day 38, so they have got plenty of time to get even more C-H-U-N-K-Y.
@Yozhik Yes man i know…No1 is shaping up to be quite a heavy plant … and it's still only day 38, so they have got plenty of time to get even more C-H-U-N-K-Y.

Not too proud to tell ya I am incredibly jealous!!

Hope my girls can copy your girls in the chunk department.