All plants now on 1.5ml Fish-Mix and 4ml bloom…not getting the fish-mix dose correct at the beginning is still causing me some def problems, which i'm just going to ride, probably won't be the prettiest plants i've ever grown, but they're shaping up to be maybe the fastest A few day 33 bud shots.




Anyway it's Friday night which means time to get on one. Enjoy the weekend my good stoner friends.


Those things are swelling big time.
I bet you could almost stare at them and watch them become engorged, in real time.

Should do a 'Before and After' just 48 hours apart, just to see the difference.
I bet its a marked difference.

inspirational @Hazy ... feckin' awesome.
Day 34…..Pics….



Some of the buds on No1 are really starting to stack up now.


Queen Hardon is very much a different pheno and is looking more like what i would expect to see, at this stage of the grow.


Apart from the def i picked up early on i'm quite happy with how things are going at the halfway stage.

Have a good one.
Maybe a trick of the light... are those Trichomes turning milky at Day 34?
Are you growing in dog years or something!
Can I vape a sample, you know... for science.

Think it might very well be….does seem to be some cloudy ones there. Wish i was growing in dog years, they would have been finished weeks ago…..Im going to remove some of the very fluffy lower popcorn, you can try that if you like. :smoking:

Thanks for the rep my fellow abuser of the cannabis.
Apart from the def i picked up early on i'm quite happy with how things are going at the halfway stage.[/QUOTE]

Hey Hazy are you using any Cal Mag supplements? I have used epsom salt for this grow and since yesterday my girl is showing a calcium defficiency only on the top few leaves of the main stem, but it seems to be slowly spreading to some other leaves but only on the top main stem. Only one girl has the calcium defficiency, the one that got the top of her main stem snapped off last week, but that main stem has healed perfectly and has even stretched a seems that the plant actually benefited from the broken main stem, simply unbeliavable.
Hey Hazy do you by any chance know any organic source that I can use to fight the calcium deficiency of my girl? Waira suggested general organanics camg+ but I can't get it anywhere where I live?