Indoor Happy noob's first grow. Come and join me!

Thanks @Scar17 and @Fairlynew ! I cannot believe this myself! Hahaha. I finished the other plant as well yesterday and that one had 46 grams dry weight! Hahahaha! In total that's 94 grams dry, that's 3.3 ounces! I had expected to grow about half of that, when I started, so I only had two glass jars at the ready. When I started yesterday it soon became apparent that wouldn't be enough. So I quickly had to improvise and decided to use some pasta sauce bottles for the other plant. Not ideal, but it will serve it's purpose.

@Scar17 I don't know about drying in bags, man. Somehow that just doesn't sound right to me. Paper can get moist, the buds will flatten out from lying on a flat surface, paper will give off taste, I feel. I think I'd sooner buy a special drying and curing cabinet or something. That would be awesome. I am a daily user, but only small amounts: I currently only use about 3-4 grams a week. During weekdays I use one Arizer Air tube 0.25 grams each evening, during weekends I use about 3 times a day, some of which are joints. This harvest will easily provide me with enough until the next harvest is ready to use. So I don't really mind having to wait for the buds to dry before I can start the next grow.

Another thing I am stoked about is that I have earned back all the money I invested in this project in only one harvest. I won't have to spend any more money on weed from the shop.

The effect is great as well, even though they still carry a fair bit of chlorophyll, which makes the taste a bit funky. With the vaporizer there's less funky tast, though. But still, I will not be using any more until they've been cured properly.
Here's the pics!!


I will be planting the next seed probably tomorrow: ultra lemon haze by auto seeds.
Thanks @Scar17 and @Fairlynew ! I cannot believe this myself! Hahaha. I finished the other plant as well yesterday and that one had 46 grams dry weight! Hahahaha! In total that's 94 grams dry, that's 3.3 ounces! I had expected to grow about half of that, when I started, so I only had two glass jars at the ready. When I started yesterday it soon became apparent that wouldn't be enough. So I quickly had to improvise and decided to use some pasta sauce bottles for the other plant. Not ideal, but it will serve it's purpose.

@Scar17 I don't know about drying in bags, man. Somehow that just doesn't sound right to me. Paper can get moist, the buds will flatten out from lying on a flat surface, paper will give off taste, I feel. I think I'd sooner buy a special drying and curing cabinet or something. That would be awesome. I am a daily user, but only small amounts: I currently only use about 3-4 grams a week. During weekdays I use one Arizer Air tube 0.25 grams each evening, during weekends I use about 3 times a day, some of which are joints. This harvest will easily provide me with enough until the next harvest is ready to use. So I don't really mind having to wait for the buds to dry before I can start the next grow.

Another thing I am stoked about is that I have earned back all the money I invested in this project in only one harvest. I won't have to spend any more money on weed from the shop.

The effect is great as well, even though they still carry a fair bit of chlorophyll, which makes the taste a bit funky. With the vaporizer there's less funky tast, though. But still, I will not be using any more until they've been cured properly.
Here's the pics!!
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I will be planting the next seed probably tomorrow: ultra lemon haze by auto seeds.

Great! Thanks for taking the time to do a nice journal on your grow. Looking forward to the next one you've got linked.
Have a great week!
Yesterday, I tried out a bit from the curing jars. I might have put the buds in there too late, by the way...but that's not important right now. What is important, is that I found a perfectly healthy seed in it! That's a small bonus. Plus: on the 30th of april I entered in my diary (yes I decided to keep one for every grow, so I can learn) that I was afraid I had found a male flower. As a noob I wasn't certain, but I am now! She was turning hermie. Off course at that time I immediately and very carefully removed the little fucker and checked for more (there weren't) and kept checking daily until harvest (never found any more)
Up until yesterday I had forgotten about it and thought I must have been mistaking, but now I know for sure it was a male flower! So: I now know exactly how those look! Yay! I'm also pretty confident I removed it pretty well. This wasn't the first time I handled the buds and I ve'already already smoked several. This was the first and only seed. Probably some transfer from my hands/cloths after removing the ballsac. I see this seed as a sign. The universe is telling me: you had a pretty good run, but try again and you'll be amazed!.