Indoor Happy noob's first grow. Come and join me!

From then on I kept doing LST on both plants as I saw fit. I should have started way earlier. At this stage supercropping would have been a better choice, I now feel. At that time I was still afraid of "breaking" branches...
There wasn't much more to report for a while. They drank about a liter a day and kept on going.
I started a little early with the flowering nutrients, though, and I also kept giving vegetative nutes. At this point (the plants still have two to three weeks to go, I believe) I feel like that has caused it to stop growing as fast as it did and caused the slight nutrient burns at the the tips as well as had its influence on the light stress later on in this journal.
Not much to report but this non-photoshopped picture I took. Honestly! No filters or anything. :headbang:
Here's a closeup at 46 days. Get high and look at the beady little right eye of that animal in the flower.
Now we skip to last Saturday, 15th of April. I spotted some mild yellowing of the leaves.

After the LST (which I didn't perform the way it is supposed to) the central colas still went up into the air. They both were at about 15 cm from the LED where 30 is recommended. After searching and asking around for a solution, I decided on supercropping after all...the stalks were too woody to bend and there's just no other solution. So I found a sweet spot and squeezed the inside of the stems between thumb and index and wiggled a bit. Then I both moved them outward of the center at an angle of about 60°. Then I moved the pots so that those two colas were just at the rim of light and no longer dead center. I changed the position of my crappy (too large and no swing) fan and hoped for the best. Right after the supercropping it looked like this:
This is where I am at on 19th of April: exactly 9 weeks. My estimate is I have another two weeks to go. I am only giving water now at pH 6.5-6.8.
Wish me luck until harvest, the third milestone!
Today it's day 67 since germination and this is what they look like, now. These are 11 litre pots


I've given them about half a litre a day of 6.5-6.8 pH water for the past week. The buds aren't as impressive as some of you have over here, but everything I've learned from you guys and girls will be implemented in my next grow. It should be a much better yield then. I managed to keep these healthy almost all the way through, so I may stoked.
Harvest is in about one to two weeks. I'm not sure because it looks like they won't finish at the same time. Unfortunately, I am forced to harvest everything at once because I need the grow room for drying. It definitely are two different types within the GSC strain.
Here's a "close(r)-up" of one of the main colas.

This lady still has a fair bit to go, whereas the other could finish very quickly now.
Thanks for your comments!