Indoor Happy noob's first grow. Come and join me!

Today it's day 67 since germination and this is what they look like, now. These are 11 litre pots
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I've given them about half a litre a day of 6.5-6.8 pH water for the past week. The buds aren't as impressive as some of you have over here, but everything I've learned from you guys and girls will be implemented in my next grow. It should be a much better yield then. I managed to keep these healthy almost all the way through, so I may stoked.
Harvest is in about one to two weeks. I'm not sure because it looks like they won't finish at the same time. Unfortunately, I am forced to harvest everything at once because I need the grow room for drying. It definitely are two different types within the GSC strain.
Here's a "close(r)-up" of one of the main colas.
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This lady still has a fair bit to go, whereas the other could finish very quickly now.
Thanks for your comments!

Looks like awesome toke incoming!! Well done bud!! Yields will come...when you see someone that pulls crazy yields, chat with them and learn, always check their nutes, lights ,setup and especially strains. Often high yields come from certain exceptional strains.
Looks like awesome toke incoming!! Well done bud!! Yields will come...when you see someone that pulls crazy yields, chat with them and learn, always check their nutes, lights ,setup and especially strains. Often high yields come from certain exceptional strains.
Yeah, that's why I'm on here. Some of you actually seem to know what to do. Hahaha! On the other hand, some are way out there with their methods. A big yield is not the most important to me. It's for personal use only, so what I want first and foremost is a nice smoke, to save me some money. With the lamp I have it will take some efforts before I'll be able to yield the minimum of 75-90 grams needed to be able to smoke minimally daily between each crop. I know it might be possible, but I'm not counting on this happening soon.
I knew theory before I started, but nothing can teach you more than just doing it and seeing what happens. It was a conscious decision not to try too much this first time around. It was meant to be a study run. Next grow won't be a strain that yields exceptionally, as far as I've read, but I will use LST as described by A-Train on here and will try to follow Muddy's Timeline for autoflowers. Also, I won't make the mistakes I made this time. The mistakes I made this time around have to do with timing of nutrients and the transition to the flowering state: I switched way too early and started PK13/14 also way too early. Hence the fluffy flowers here and there and the lack of gaining weight in the last few weeks.
You guys over here are great at supporting and helping everyone, so I hope to be around here for my second run.
I took your advice. I'm high and I see the eye.

Now I see 3 eyes...

To me it immediately looked like a mean looking "Punk Skunk". Look at the original pic this way:

Judging by the bud development, you've still got a few more weeks, which means that the buds will continue to swell.. I'm not much of a "bottled-nute" kinda guy, but if you're using them, you may wanna hit them with another dose or so before you begin the final flushing.. Your plants look great!!!

It's time for an update.
Over all it has been a pretty decent run, I think, for a first attempt. I took some pictures today for you to enjoy. They're not exactly at the same stage. One was lagging behind, but is catching up. I think, I might be able to harvest in about a week. So it will be the second Saturday from now. Here are some pictures I took just a while ago.
It's time for an update.
Over all it has been a pretty decent run, I think, for a first attempt. I took some pictures today for you to enjoy. They're not exactly at the same stage. One was lagging behind, but is catching up. I think, I might be able to harvest in about a week. So it will be the second Saturday from now. Here are some pictures I took just a while ago.
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Looking good!
Looks like spring is finally starting over here. I have frosty the snowman to stay cool:
And a happy bunch in their little nest:

Next saturday is the day.
Judging by the bud development, you've still got a few more weeks, which means that the buds will continue to swell.. I'm not much of a "bottled-nute" kinda guy, but if you're using them, you may wanna hit them with another dose or so before you begin the final flushing.. Your plants look great!!!

Thanks man! Unfortunately, as a noob, I misjudged the flowering period and already stopped giving nutes about two weeks ago. These are now 72 days old. I thought they would be okay to harvest next Saturday. One of them was ahead but doesn't really seem to be fattening up for the past two weeks; the other has catched up and seems to ripen very quickly. What do you think when you see these pictures? Can I harvest next weekend or should I leave it another week? Or two?
Looking fine bro You will harvest some nice Bud they look beautiful and frosty. The HIGH should be tremendous.