Outdoor Guerrilla 15...

BTW checked/watered my corn field plants about 5 days ago and they are looking really nice, didnt have a camera but I plan to chop them sometime in the next week. Will be sure to take some pics and post them when I do. Buds are very foxtailed, but thats expected with parents being HBSS x Moby Dick. I didnt think they would get enough light to amount to much, but they have surprised me. They were planted direct to soil from seed around july 1, watered and sprayed for bugs just a couple times. Gonna do the corn thing again in the future, being protected from high winds I think helps them turn out nice looking.

wow, thats turned up a surprise, look forward to the pics & weight
Thanks guys, honestly not sure what to do with all this, thinking about vacuum sealing it and storing in freezer. Got enough to last me for years at the current rate of use. Or maybe I need to find some friends to share with... Ha Ha, only friend I have that smokes quit for a job that tests him every couple months.
Thanks guys, honestly not sure what to do with all this, thinking about vacuum sealing it and storing in freezer. Got enough to last me for years at the current rate of use. Or maybe I need to find some friends to share with... Ha Ha, only friend I have that smokes quit for a job that tests him every couple months.
what a nice problem to have on your hands LOL
Grabbed the last of my for smoke plants the other day. These were a real surprise cuz they were from seeds I made and turned out really nice. They are autoflowers, mephisto HBSS x Dinafem Moby Dick, they are not feminized and I didnt pull males quite early enough so there are some seeds near the stem, but not many, maybe 15 or 20 per plant. They all grew to about 3ft tall and frost on these is really good as you can see in the pictures. They grew great in the corn field, even with relatively little light. Guessing maybe 6 hours a day direct light on average.

Here is a distance shot of my girls to give you some perspective.

Single plant, there are 6 total...

Another plant... They were all quite consistently sized

Closeup shot showing frost...

Another closeup.... Top cola this time
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Indoor shot of a top cola, partially trimmed.

Group shot hanging to dry... got sick of close trimming so left sugar leaves on some.

All I have left to grab is the bottom halves of my OGS photos which were self pollinated to grow fem seed for next year. Ill give them another week or so probably, depending on weather. Gonna have a lot of feminized Cindys Blue Cheese and Amnesia Hashplant x Cindys Blue Cheese for the future!!! I love seeds!
Im pretty much done, but I got some freebie photo seeds from Mephisto that I tried outdoors. They started flowering late so I pulled all but the nicest one, thinking they would never amount to anything. Normally we would have at least one hard freeze already, but this year is unusual. I hadnt been out to check on this girl for a while now and was hoping to be happily surprised. Ive dealt with deer damage before, branches eaten, but never like this. Evidently a rutting whitetail buck decided to use my plant as an antler rub... Doesnt look good.


Tops appear to be ok, but with all the bark rubbed off the trunk of the plant, I doubt they will mature well...