Indoor Organic-experimental-tobacco&more-lowWatt-0maintenance(?)-12/12-breeding-outdoor-etc.


That is stating you can use 1/2 cup of Epsom Salt in a gallon of coco! Now if you want to admit that it is a mistaken post I can understand that but don't advise others in this forum to do that.

View attachment 1404302

That is stating you can use 1/2 cup of Epsom Salt in a gallon of coco! Now if you want to admit that it is a mistaken post I can understand that but don't advise others in this forum to do that.

you can use 50 pounds of Epsom salts and experience a large pH drop in a gallon of coco, I didn’t or wouldn’t advise it. Why ignore next part of post where I say ‘MAYBE try 1/4 cup’?

I didn’t even actually suggest anything really but the 1/4 cup would have helped OP greatly. Probably a couple applications even but if different methods are available to combine efforts or eliminate Epsom salts that is good too, to lower pH. I missed where anyone else was making suggestions on how OP could lower their pH.

and just noticed now I was correct in thinking his pots were decent size, he is using autopots so he has at least ~3 gallons of medium. No way 1/4 or even 1/2 cup would have harmed his plant, only help.

Also why ignore where I use 1/4 cup of Epsom salts on less than a gallon of soil and it helps the plant, that is in less need of a pH fix than OP’s?

my ‘maybe’ advise was good and you are trying your hardest to make it something else, while being dishonest about it.
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View attachment 1404302

That is stating you can use 1/2 cup of Epsom Salt in a gallon of coco! Now if you want to admit that it is a mistaken post I can understand that but don't advise others in this forum to do that.

Here, someone’s pH is messed up, let’s see how you help them (this time). Maybe try and sell them a humidifier. Lul

Another one

this persons plant dies because no one will help point out obvious pH problem for nearly a week and when they do, they give bad numbers.

and just about every other thread in the help section.
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Yes, PH is important but it is only one factor of many. Without accurate testing we have no way of knowing what someones PH actually is just by looking at a picture. After asking questions we get a better picture but is it reality? Is their PH pen working and calibrated - maybe. So we just do the best we can.