Indoor Organic-experimental-tobacco&more-lowWatt-0maintenance(?)-12/12-breeding-outdoor-etc.

tent update plus wanted to keep track of some things and also to say that at the moment I’m unsure about this gypsum I got. Doesn’t break down in water like the last gypsum I used. Need to use it more to get a real opinion on it.

finished turning all the dirt up here, threw some alfalfa pellets on top, gonna level it out in a few days. I got a couple othe spots here but this is the best one. Nearly 12 hours direct, uninterrupted, sun on the longer summer days. Might be moving soon though and doubtful to a better spot, so that will probably suck

Got one seed off the bloody skunk x royal purple pollenated with golden canary. Not even sure how that’s a thing. Last plant two seeds, this plant one. Got the other royal purp x bloody skunk drying now, should be a few seeds on it is my guess.

I have no idea how this happened, pretty sure a few days ago it was decent, then I was to lazy to check it till today, pretty much that through 5.0, everywhere I looked.

added three - four teaspoons dolomite lime, mixed into topsoil then lightly watered in. Recheck tomorrow evening. Not looking good for it being an auto though.

these three each got 3 teaspoons of gypsum and 3 teaspoons of epsom salts. Maybe a little extra on the weed plant, pH was highest.

Got The Grow Master back up and ( ready to be), running. Just coco this time, not gonna utilize the res in a res. It will be for the seeds in the pH germination experiment, once that is finished.

knots in top now to hopefully keep them from getting to wet. Not gonna turn it on for each plant until the plant ~dries the coco out once. Gonna try and keep the coco at 1.3 ec or below, so might start a little lower with the feeding this time.

~ everything right now, few plants floating around, waiting to see if they will reveg/start growing again.


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Hey there, seems to me like they are trying to ban me from this site for echoing Bruce Bugbee, Ed Rosenthal and my own experiences, which go inline with what they (actual cannabis scientist), say.


It started with some ‘forum mod’, getting bent with me over suggesting the use of Epsom salts, which I am using myself in pretty high amounts, to lower pH and the plants I am using it on all are loving it, they seem to want more, also I am using it at a higher rate than what I suggest to someone that was having a very bad pH problem and it would have obviously helped them greatly.

The same forum mod/mods also got upset with me over testing runoff ~saying you must buy their pH soil tester to test soil pH. Lol, classic. Here is Bruce Bugbee talking about testing runoff.

Appearntly Bruce Bugbee needs to have a talk with the forum mods here at afn, buy their soil pH meter and learn how to grow cannabis properly.

Meanwhile, these same ‘forum mods’ and their friends (or alt. accounts), go around telling people different pH levels for different mediums and many of the pH levels they suggest will surely kill your plants, it doesn’t get any better from there.

Until they ban me for not being a tool, here are a couple pics.

I started some diy vinegar, just to use for pH down. Super easy to make (I hope). Just rain water, ~table spoon black strap molasses, and apples from my apple tree.

my Hopi tobacco plant and Santa Fe pepper plant, living in Epsom salts

wood chips and organic coco

my pH pen. I contacted them on amazon and they are sending me a new tip for free. Pretty sure I hit a rock in the soil, must always make hole first with a pen or something and be careful of rocks to avoid this. Can see the glass is super thin. Bad news is they didn’t have a link to buy more tips or a tip better suited for testing soil. The readings on this one are fantastic, in every way, just a little on the fragile side. I will be extra cautious from now on

Got the grow master running again.

Elton Chong

I feel bad for anyone looking for help growing cannabis on this site (and most other sites). I can’t imagine what these people think they have to gain from lying to people looking for help growing a plant and trying to make them kill the plant, after trying to sell them a pH pen and giving bad pH numbers. Lol.

Pretty sad behavior.

Just for lols, they come to my grow journal pushing pH levels that kill our plants, as if I wasn't messing it up enough on my own.

TLS = 6.5
Peat based = 6.3
I couldn't imgaine trying to keep a peat based medium at 6.3. Thankfully I ~don't use peat and cannabis doesn't want 6.3. Thanks for the bad advice and trying to kill my plants for me.

I will say, the thread you tried to sell a guy a humidifier for what was clearly pH issues makes me laugh.

Anyways, thankfully I have gotten everything dialed in now just about, gotten away from the terrible advice like quoted above and have a journal else where to keep all my notes and stuff in.

P.s. for the germination in a shot glass experiment, I have uploaded it elsewhere but 5.5 and 6.0 did the best, I will germinate in as close to 6.0 soil as I can, if anything, slightly lower.

Goodbye in advance, though probably not much.
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Not sure what happened nor do I really care. All I can go on are my own experiences on AFN. That being said I've never gotten bad advise that has been detrimental to my plants from any of the Mods ( MoG has been a great help in fact) nor have any of them "pushed" a certain product but only related their experiences with them. What I can say is your posting seems to be taking a turn towards all the drama that I noticed over a year ago on a lot of other forums before finding AFN. I kindly ask that you just let it be in the past and we all just go about our lives helping each other as best we can. :smoking:
Just wanted to share this in case it helps anyone.

I just got this the other day since I broke my tip on the digital meter and it is actually my new favorite pH soil meter.

It seemed like it wasn’t working so I brushed the tips, 1 pass, with 220 grit sand paper. The thing takes readings as fast and just as accurate as either of my digital soil probes with less clean up, not as fragile, no calibration, no batteries and so on. I really am impressed with this, first impressions, got it used off Amazon for $7.00. Amazing.

I had a different one before that I didn’t think worked for pH but this makes me think it was user error unless this one is made differently, which I doubt. If I get another because I break this one on accident, I will just get the cheapest that has decent reviews.
If you are going to quote me please keep it in context. What I have stated and stand by all of the years of research I have done. The fertigation PH is what I am stating is 6.3 for Peat and 6.5 for soil and 5.8 for coco. Not the PH of the media.

Show me any credible scientific paper that says you can use 1/2 cup of Epsom Salt in 1 gallon of coco and I will apologize otherwise keep your experiments in your thread.

I just finished a grow of 6 plants that yielded 36 oz of bud. Do you have a single documented grow on AFN that has made it to harvest? You need to prove you can grow before you can offer advise because what you are saying is so far from mainstream practices as to be detrimental to our new growers that need proven advice.

I am not saying that it is wrong to blaze new trails just grow there first on your own!
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You can lower pH ~0.5ph per half cup Epsom salt for a gallon of coco, Probably a little bit more needed for soil. See my most recent post in my journal for more details

maybe try 1/4 cup, dissolve in warm water just till you get enough run off to test. I always try and use 6.0pH for runoff testing because that is what i am aiming for, though water pH has very little impact on soil/medium pH from my testing.

here is the thread. I suggested they use 1/4 cup, the biggest mistake I made was not knowing their pot size, so long as it was a gallon or more, I think it was okay. The guys plants were toast, because pH. The 'mods' there are not giving advice on adjusting pH and bringing it back into range, from what I saw, correct me if I'm wrong.

If you are going to quote me please keep it in context. What I have stated and stand by all of the years of research I have done. The fertigation PH is what I am stating is 6.3 for Peat and 6.5 for soil and 5.8 for coco. Not the PH of the media

What makes those good numbers (they only seem good to me, if you are making a lot of assumptions about the pH of everyone's growing medium and water)?

I would say ~water with what brings or keeps your medium at ideal pH and if it requires something to far off ideal pH, an amendment to aid in keeping it in range is probably a good idea.

I just finished a grow of 6 plants that yielded 36 oz of bud. Do you have a single documented grow on AFN that has made it to harvest? You need to prove you can grow before you can offer advise because what you are saying is so far from mainstream practices as to be detrimental to our new growers that need proven advice.

Working on something better, you can see ~all of what I have been doing in this thread, the best part of any of my harvest has been a seed or two. All of my problems have been pH related, for a varity of reasons, beliving people who pass out bad numbers on the internet is one of them (shame on me for that).

Show me any credible scientific paper that says you can use 1/2 cup of Epsom Salt in 1 gallon of coco and I will apologize otherwise keep your experiments in your thread.

Show me any science paper on the use of epsom or gypsum in gardening that also covers pH adjustment/changes, in full. There is ~no science on most decent stuff, that I can find anyways.

I am not saying that it is wrong to blaze new trails just grow there first on your own!

I am not doing anything new I would have to guess, it's just stuff that is difficult to find any decent documentation on.

In your honor...

I didn't water well and the addition of gypsum was kinda braindead on my part but according to ending pH, it was probably not bad at all.

Let me know if there is anything else wrong and if this fails, I have to try again, watering better at least.
Whose bodies are under there lol? :help:

I do a little Tobacco growing myself, nice to see someone doing different varities to the common & maxing the tent out with other things than weed.
haha, just worms and their friends I hope

I have been getting a really poor germination rate with tobacco seeds lately unfortunately or I would have more. I need to start using my seedling starter mix again I think, pretty sure that is main difference from when they were germinating for me, temps slightly lower now too but always above 70f. If everything germinated as easy as cannabis seeds would be great.
Show me any science paper on the use of epsom or gypsum in gardening that also covers pH adjustment/changes, in full. There is ~no science on most decent stuff, that I can find anyways.
Are you kidding me?


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