Indoor Growtogrow inside grow and part time breeding.

I worked with the mother Chem Berry D from Humboldt Seeds my super sativa mother.
So as I told you all that I was going to use this plant for grafting I really was but after further looking at it and all the distractions I got going on right now I'm not sure if I could pay close enough attention to her to graft branches to it right now so probably after the first of the year I'll pick a different plant from out of the group that I'm growing presently right now and use one of those for grafting.
I'm kind of leaning towards my Bubba Kush because they seem to have a really great root structures and strong stocks.

Chem Berry D..

So I super cropped her today and in two days I will change her from this 20 gallon pot to a 35 gallon pot and have her ready to slide into the flower room by Christmas I expect to be able to harvest something out of the flower room by then I don't expect any of these plants to go Pass New Year's and should have them all harvested by then.
So this will allow me three weeks for this plant to find her way into the Super soil that I'm going to give her to get through the rest of its life.
This plant was my mother plant she's been chopped on busted down under-watered overwatered underfed overfed and she's over a year old if that will let you know anything about this plant she's a good old girl LOL[emoji14][emoji13][emoji12]

First pic before I super cropped and after

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Flower room update.
Well I'll tell you what boys and girls this room has got an aroma that will make you all just wish you were here with me.
I don't know how to explain it explain it before and I'll say it again.....fruity poo....[emoji91][emoji90]

So I'm trying to take care of my deficiencies now and I also found some p.m. in there again today so I sprayed with hydrogen peroxide and water mix.
I'm keeping a good hold on it I can't kill it all it's someplace in my house and I'm dragging in there all the time.[emoji95][emoji91][emoji573][emoji36]
It is what it is....
As long as I don't get no large outbreaks I am golden....
I can maintain this it only seems to pop up on just a leave here and there it's no big deal it's a very small spots easy to control I haven't got the time nor the inclination to take everything out of my house and wash my entire just is what it is...right now.
So to take care of my deficiencies I realized that my water was very low more like in the hydroponic range by 5.8 to 5.9 so I bumped it up a little bit to 6.3 so I can pick up some potassium I believe that's my deficiency in the most pants right now especially in the chocolate mint OG and the Afghan Kush I fed them tea today molasses and brown sugar floralicious Plus and Cal Mag I guess it isn't really t it's just water but they needed some. Remember I'm pouring over top of alpaca poop and sediments from the last tea so we are getting some more nutrients and there is plenty of nutrients in the soil hopefully this new pH water will help them pick up everything that they can better the next time that I pH I'll try to get it in a 6.5 to 6.6 range[emoji481][emoji482][emoji12]

PS the reason that I'm pH the water is cuz I use rain water and it's probably pretty well distilled and I'm sure it usually pH ranges around 6.5 to 7 but it's actually running much lower than what I anticipated this time around and I don't know why I haven't had to PH in a long time

The big Somango broke one of her straps that holds her up some time yesterday morning or before???
She was tipped on her side long enough that the leaves had started to turn up I got her pulled back up.
She didn't look that good nor did the rest of the girls???
I don't know if PH ing the water was a good thing???

I can't wait for this run to be over[emoji43]

Man, that flower romm i would set in an chill in tge canna cloud.:pass:
Hey buddy how you doing man I haven't seen you down here in a while it's good to hear from you yeah I'm having some real trouble up in there right now I haven't had this much trouble with a grow I can't recall ever it's
just been a real fucking nightmare man it's got me about pulling my hair out and I shave my head LOL its a real bad year hasn't been going good at all hopefully next year will be better all I can do is pray to the Canna Gods[emoji120]

@Growtogrow sorry to hear you’re having some problems with health and work brother...
sounds like you have enough behind you to really stick it to ‘em, but I understand you gotta get through the rough patch first.
just make sure you give it a good twist when the time comes.

best of luck to you mate
@Growtogrow sorry to hear you’re having some problems with health and work brother...
sounds like you have enough behind you to really stick it to ‘em, but I understand you gotta get through the rough patch first.
just make sure you give it a good twist when the time comes.

best of luck to you mate
Thanks Brother Froot n Fuel[emoji481][emoji482]
I appreciate your support it's been a hard run this year that's for sure.
I will stick it to them I'm going to give it to them as hard as they can take it man. them Son of Guns you know it's bad enough that I got hurt but then them son bitches want to kick me when I'm down that ain't right[emoji377]
It's just a good thing that I had for whatever reason foreseen this.... I don't know how I did....
I can't tell you.... but back in June late May I decided to start paying my bills ahead with everything I had to pay them ahead with so that I'm good some of them bills are payed until next June now. they just don't know who they're messing with[emoji91] I can wait them out all day if they want but in the end all they got to do is get out their checkbook an start writing. If they want me to get off their back and stop kicking them cuz that's what I'm doing. The lawyers are up on it. they want me to settle quick but I'm telling him nope. I want to take them down that freaking Road that they're taking me down right now and I hope they get road rash that never heals[emoji91]

Hey buddy how you doing man I haven't seen you down here in a while it's good to hear from you yeah I'm having some real trouble up in there right now I haven't had this much trouble with a grow I can't recall ever it's
just been a real fucking nightmare man it's got me about pulling my hair out and I shave my head LOL its a real bad year hasn't been going good at all hopefully next year will be better all I can do is pray to the Canna Gods[emoji120]

Sorry to see you having headaches now, and even with some hiccups last round you pulled a beautiful harvest OD! I have my money on you to pull thru for another very respectable one. :thumbsup: