Indoor Growtogrow inside grow and part time breeding.

Sorry to see you having headaches now, and even with some hiccups last round you pulled a beautiful harvest OD! I have my money on you to pull thru for another very respectable one. [emoji106]
Thanks stedimed...[emoji481][emoji482]
Thanks brother man I appreciate it definitely and I'll be alright and pull this off its not going to be a for crap harvest though but maybe better than getting the kick in the face LOL.

Well all the lights are on in the flower room now on 12/12 no staggering the lights any longer from here until the end of the grow...
The Somango is looking sad.

First pic group last pics Somango

Well all the lights are on in the flower room now on 12/12 no staggering the lights any longer from here until the end of the grow...
The Somango is looking sad.

First pic group last pics Somango

Shit man, I know your paying for some wattage but I think your sittin FINE. :drool:
Shit man, I know your paying for some wattage but I think your sittin FINE. :drool:
Yup paid the bill today whole house power plus water and sewer 246.68 and I just added to that to about 25 to 35 dollars for the rest of this month. Plus gas heating I haven't got that bill yet but will most likely 125.00
So I normally could get off a run like this and this is going to be significantly less than I'm going to get off this run. This run is not going to be a very good run the Somango she's not going to be good deal none of these plants are growing exactly like they should grow. I just had too many problems and not focused.
I'll be lucky if I get 2lbs of quality bud. that's shit. A run like this should be a pound per plant minimum or 5lbs with a give or take of 1/2 lbs either way.
So we'll see what we get???

Man, sorry to hear that Gtg, I've been following along and have seen what you've been dealing with. You've been spinning alot of plates lately Gtg, you have my admiration. :pass:
Thanks bud I appreciate it[emoji481][emoji482] you know it's just one of those things though you know l.
it's a Farmer's Life man it's all I can say it's a farmer's life you have to take the good with the bad and the bad with the good and try to make it work out and right now I'm pretty well depending on what I do right now it blows but it is what it is I've just had too many cards dealt to me and they've all been bad ones LOL I'm making the best of it though you got to play what your delt.[emoji482]
On a uptick though the somango this morning looks better than what she did yesterday I think she's coming back around it looks to be like my moisture meters are junk I don't know. I've been watching them and I put those Nat rocks on top and I always said right along that if I can't touch the soil I can't tell what's going on it's hard so my meters are junk they're cheap and they're just junk they aren't telling me what's going on with my soil even though there moisture pH and light they're just junk ones I guess so I scraped the Rocks away and put my hand in the soil so I can feel it it's damper than I care to have it this could be the problem I'm having with that plant so I'll not give it any water or tea and see what happens over the next week or so I will monitor it real closely.

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So the update for the seedlings wow they're really coming along now I've kept the light very low so I keep them from growing too tall the Blue Dream is kind of give me a hard time she's wanting to sprout straight up instead of stay squatty so I may have to start training her real soon she seems to be ahead of the rest as far as head height goes I keep having to move the light up just for her which is allowing the other ones to grow taller too. I don't want that right now. I'm trying to keep everybody short and squatty n fat and Sassy. LoL[emoji14][emoji12][emoji482]
So the seedlings got their first taste of rainwater today switching from spring water we'll see how they react to their new drinking Diggs.
The first pic is before I gave them a drink the second pic is of the group after they got their drink of rain water the rest of the pics are of after I spun them a quarter-turn and change their tags and the last pic is after I lowered light back down to the heights desired.[emoji482]

I've no use for those triple soil meters, I've used them in conjunction with actual lab grade meters and they are junk. So much so that my kid once got one for free from his school. I guarantee your fingers and eyes are better calibrated instruments.

The measure if a man is not how he handles himself when he prospers, it's how he handles adversity. Keep your head up and keep trucking brother.
I've no use for those triple soil meters, I've used them in conjunction with actual lab grade meters and they are junk. So much so that my kid once got one for free from his school. I guarantee your fingers and eyes are better calibrated instruments.

The measure if a man is not how he handles himself when he prospers, it's how he handles adversity. Keep your head up and keep trucking brother.
Thanks Archaic [emoji481]
I appreciate your support[emoji482]
I'm coming out of here with my guns blazing they aren't going to get away with this stuff.
I'm alright definitely going to be okay. I just got a ride this rough spot.
Spring will be here soon and there's lots of jobs coming around here in the springtime there will a lot of construction driving dump trucks Excavating jobs all kinds of things that I can do well even with a shaky hand and one that doesn't grip that well I'm pretty sure my shoulder will be okay by then and I'll be good and I'll continue to sue them son of britches[emoji91]for the partial loss of my hand in the stretched nerve it's in my leg it causes me to have slap foot. Even if it takes 2 or 3 years. I'm in it for the Long Haul.

Yeah them triple meters are junk that's for sure. I wont get cheep one's again....[emoji482]

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Great attitude to have can always get worse! After breaking my neck i thought that the world as I knew it was finished, took a few years but now i wonder what i was moaning about! Back driving heavy equipment, thankfully we don't have any drug tests...keep your head up and chest out man, you have got this! Glad to see you have the plants issues working out, to my old eyes they look great, seedlings are certainly finding their groove. Good growing buddy!
Thanks Archaic [emoji481]
I appreciate your support[emoji482]
I'm coming out of here with my guns blazing they aren't going to get away with this stuff.
I'm alright definitely going to be okay. I just got a ride this rough spot.
Spring will be here soon and there's lots of jobs come springtime there will a lot of construction driving dump trucks Excavating jobs all kinds of things that I can do well even with a shaky hand and one that doesn't group that well I'm pretty sure my shoulder will be okay by then and I'll be good and I'll continue to sue them son of britches[emoji91]for the partial loss of my hand in the stretched nerve it's in my leg it causes me to have slap foot. Even if it takes 2 or 3 years. I'm in it for the Long Haul.

Yeah them triple meters are junk that's for sure. I wont get cheep one's again....[emoji482]
