Indoor Growtogrow inside grow and part time breeding.

Ok its been 5 days since I updated not a lot going on that's change. The plants are looking pretty healthy though the p.m. hasn't been seen again and no bugs.
All is good in the hood.

The Tea I have been feeding them has seemed to have agreed with them very much the plants had a nice Aroma when I walked into the flower room this morning.
I've been feeding them a combination of alpaca poop and Jamaica bat guano and General Hydroponics floralicious plus general hydroponics cal-mag dark brown sugar molasses and Mother Earth Earth Juice plus Thai coconut milk in a can.

The aromas aren't strong yet but they're just getting started.
I expect in the next week when I walk into the flower room after not being in there for a few days that the smell should be pretty strong. I fed them a batch of tea today. I fed them a batch of tea 5 days ago and I fed them 5 days before that and will feed them two or three more batches of tea over the next 2 or 3 weeks.
I don't make tea like most people do I don't put all my ingredients in a sock and let them soak with a bubbler at this time of year. Well I really don't use any kind of tea bag at all never really have except for when I first started growing legally. LOL
But I let it just sit in the water and let it ferment. I stir it every day add a little bit more water to help it to keep the water fresh and the Tea fresh rather than oxygenated with a bubbler.
Although do the popular consensus people would think that I'm wrong about doing it this way. I know this is supposed to help the microbes grow more.
Personally don't think it makes damn bit of difference rather you put bubbler to it or not. As long as it's fresh when you give that Tea to them and it's not stagnant.
I use the bubbler all the time in the past don't really see any difference in my results just one less thing I've got to clean.

Using the alpaca poop. Well the stuff works I guess pretty good.
I don't know the jury is still out on this and I won't know until after I grow with it for a few more grows. So far it doesn't break down real fast it seems to stay in its pellet form so to speak for a long time. I've used the same alpaca poop in the tea for three different brews so fsr. So today instead of using the same alpaca poop that I've been using for the last three Tea brews and try and make a 4th. I just took my handled drain scoop and took all of the sediments from the alpaca poop and the bat guano n scooped out a portions for each plant and put them in the 1 gallon pots grow pots that I have sitting on top of the nat rocks in the pots. So that every time I water in the little pots that water will trickle over top of those sediments adding more nutrients to my grow medium each time[emoji482]

Lights on lights off

So for those of you who have been paying attention to this thread and know what I've gone through this year with this grow and my outside grow and my health.

So Sunday night at midnight I quit using cannabis entirely.

Please don't freak out.

It's not that I'm quitting because I want to I'm quitting because I have to.

Because workman's comp and the company I used to work for have dropped me from any financial help because of this Parsons Turner Syndrome that I've acquired due to the accident that I had on company time with faulty company equipment (ie. the over head crane).
Now the HR is attempting to destroy me financially now.
Because they didn't bother to tell me that I was cut off until after they had cut me off for 5 weeks and I inquired why my checks weren't coming and why the Medical bills weren't being paid and then they sent me a letter dated the day after I made my inquiry which was exactly five weeks after they cut me off. September 19th and sent me that dated letter October 20th that I received the first week of November saying why they cut me off. They said that the Parsons Turner syndrome that I acquired was not due to the accident. Thankfully the medical team knows that it is.
Thankfully I have good medical team and they're on my side. With the facts. I'll win my case but it doesn't help me right now.

So now I have to sue these them all to get my Aid back that I'm due.

But my present financial situation not having any moneys coming in or helth insurance.
I have nothing coming in other than the donations I get from my patient clients.
As I've told those of you who have been paying attention to me and my growing Style over the last couple of years.
I don't make any money off this. No it's just for growing cost. It's not like i make a mint off the people whom I'm taking care of.
It's just enough to get over the rough spots with lighting water and food. Growing cost.
I don't get paid for my time or what I know. It's just what it cost to grow it. About 3 or 4 a gram.

So the reason why I have to quit is because even though this state has gone recreational as of December 6th anybody in the state can have two and a half ounces on their person and 12 plants in their house and 10 oz of usable cannabis
But companies in this state are not exactly up on not drug testing for cannabis yet and I hold a
CDL A truck drivers license. That is federal.
There's not much else I can do right now besides drive a truck and I may not be able to drive with a stick shift I don't know yet with that many gears. I have a stick shift in my pickup truck but that's only 4 gears not 12 or 18. But we'll see soon.
I go see the doctor on a 20th of December where I believe this time he will release me for one handed work. I hope that's why I'm quitting now.
I tried to fake it last time I seen the doctor on the 28th of October. But he seen right through me and told me no you can't go back to work yet. Not even one handed.
Because with this Parsons Turner Syndrome that I have now it can eat my nerves more with any kind of pain that's in that shoulder and arm.
So if he does release me this time it will be with restrictions and I'm not sure if I can even get a job like that around here right now. Especially with all the GM jobs that are now lost. None in my area directly but I'm sure there's going to be some Cuts in my area and most of the truck driving that I did or have done in the past had to do with hauling scrap steel from those facilities.

So I'm not asking for no damn pity party from any of you motherfukers.
Just letting you know where I stand at right now and what's happening with me so y'all take care.
I'll keep updating this grow. But there will be no smoke reports from me but I'll have to take it from somebody that I know to let you all know what the Blue's taste like what the Candy cream taste like and any other new seeds that I might get and grow over the next few months unless I get a large settlement it may be awhile before I get to smoke again.

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I placed an order today for new seeds. I had a hard time on Black Friday trying to place my order the bank I use has great security protocols and they blocked me pretty good anyways I ended up losing all the seeds pretty much. I had 36 seeds ordered at 7 am Back Fri. By the time I got it all figured out with the bank and everything most of the seeds that I really wanted were already sold out and the freebies were gone too there wasn't really nothing left I wanted and I didn't want to spend all that money without my points my points got lost on when the order got cancelled cuz of my bank's protocols. What a freaking nightmare. So I had to contact seedsman yada yada yada it took a while to get my points restored and when they did restore my points they didn't restore the right amount so that screwed me out of Cyber Monday so anyways I got a push today for wedding cake seeds were back in stock and they had restored all of my points so I placed my order and this is what I ordered.

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