Indoor Growtogrow inside grow and part time breeding.

Afghan kush

I've been distracted lately a lot going on in my household I had forgot how long the babies had been in the nursery and their Roots were very much in entangled and very long.

So I mixed up some baby super soil more or less for the babies to grow pretty quick and but yet little bit high pro.
So I use my alpaca poop can't wait to see how it works I added also Mexican bat guano and Dolomite lime Epsom salts blood meal bone meal phosphorus green kelp brown sugar to already rich soil that was from the bottom of the 30 gallon pots that the roots never reached so all that soil is untouched and is more less virgin super soil.
I mixed all the ingredients together in my little mixing ben and add that to one gallon planters and planted seedlings in their new homes.
I waited a little to long to transfer the seedlings "bad farmer" so I hope all turns out well I had a couple of them look a little bit on the yellow side I think that's due to not having any nutrients and sume of the roots were over 15 in Long again like I said I was distracted so we'll see.[emoji482]

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Oh I forgot to mention that a few days ago I made some tea with the alpaca poo and I used a little Mexican bat guano little Jamaican bat guano a little blood meal. The flower girls are a little bit on the weak side of nitrogen because of the old soil that's in the middle I also added General Hydroponics Cal Mag.
I like to alpaca poop soak for a couple of days and then added the other ingredients on a third day and then let that soak for an additional 24 hours then added to Cal Mag to the mix then strained it and served it to the flower girls after I trimmed them.
Plant got a gallon and a half I followed that up a few hours later with an additional 3/4 of a gallon of Rainwater per plant. I'll be making more in a couple of days and it'll have molasses in it coconut milk black tea green kelp Jamaican bat guano an alpaca poo [emoji482]

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Nice underskirt trimming bro!
Hey Elle [emoji481][emoji482][emoji111] Thanks...
I would have left more on them but they're was no need. The light wont hit nothing under the canopy and I'm not going to add any extra lights to it.
The plants are all kind of funny style anyways this grow with the monster cropping and so on. So my yield is not going to be that great I didn't want to waste the extra electricity on it. So I cut my losses and get the best buds I can get out of it and hope for the best the farmers way LoL
These girls are sommme big one's tho. I stand 6'1" and the top of the canopy is just under my chin.
I've been pulling the girls down and pulling the girls up pulling them to the side and try to spread their branches out to get the most light to the lowest areas and I got a lot going on in there anyways I spent 10 hours down there yesterday and over the last 2 days just trying to get caught up on my farming. Still got some more yet to do... Ugh [emoji13][emoji482]

I've been pulling the girls down and pulling the girls up pulling them to the side and try to spread their branches out to get the most light to the lowest areas and I got a lot going on in there anyways I spent 10 hours down there yesterday and over the last 2 days just trying to get caught up on my farming. Still got some more yet to do... Ugh [emoji13][emoji482]
It's a labour of love though isn't it :thumbsup:
Plants are looking fantastic, great growing buddy! After watching some of you guys that grow amazing plants I'm starting to learn you only get out what you put in! The more time I spend on my girls the better they get. Keep up the good work pal.:bow::cheers::smoking:
Plants are looking fantastic, great growing buddy! After watching some of you guys that grow amazing plants I'm starting to learn you only get out what you put in! The more time I spend on my girls the better they get. Keep up the good work pal.[emoji144]:cheers::smoking:
Thanks TGB [emoji481][emoji482]

That is the truth man.
And I've been slacking.
I get that way sometimes. The last 2 or 3 months have been some of them times.

I found 10 spots of PM on 3 different plants yesterday. I think it was because I was moving around some things in a different room a couple of days before this and may have inadvertently stirred up some spores around.
I hadn't had any sign of PM in the last three weeks. I hadn't been spraying for two weeks. Cuz I was trying to get a handle on what was plaguing the plants so spraying wasn't exactly something that I was sure was helping or hindering cuz I've been stacking it to them if you remember. I think I got a handle on what was going on with them they're starting to come around and then I spoted the p.m. damn.
So I sprayed hydrogen peroxide water mix yesterday night after I discovered the few little spots very small amount. I sprayed to drench on the canopy and then I sprayed the stalks and pots an the floor the walls and the fan damn I'm so tired of this shit.
I'll spray again in about 6 or 7 days with a very light mix hydrogen peroxide and water.

I fed the girls a nice mix of alpaca poop tea with Jamaican bat guano, 1/2 a bag of dark brown sugar and jar of molasses couple teaspoons of floralicious Plus and green kelp and a shot of Cal Mag.
Cool thing about the alpaca poop is that it seems to be able to make tea from the same poop several times before I've used it all up this is my third time using the same poop I don't know if I'm making it right if I need to crush it up now uncertain but it seems to make tea it turns dark each time so something must be coming out of it[emoji44][emoji481][emoji482][emoji111]

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