Yeah Bro… BT has to be sprayed before you have a problem or it’s too late when you actually see them on your plants. I did my best with precautionary applications once a week when my outdoor autos first started to go into flower but still had a problem with caterpillars. Maybe I didn’t mix up the concentrated solution strong enough. I also had a big problem with aphids last couple seasons but they don’t seem to devastate a plant like caterpillars do and if they got real bad I just tipped my scrog carts on their sides and sprayed the plants down with a hose. One good things about growing outdoors. lol
If you’re just getting into autos and want bigger plants hydro is the way to go. The constant fertigation will give you that vigorous growth you want and will also extend your veg/preflower to give you more time to work the plant. All you need to get started is a grow bag filled with coco/perlite, a decent N-P-K, a good PH and EC pen and some PH up and down. I’ve grown many big autos fertigating by hand with the basic water to run off method. You really don’t need any fancy equipment to run hydro but if you have an extra $30 to spare you could make a simple DIY system that fertigates automatically.