Right, has anyone seen or heard of a tent with a 120 x 100 footprint? I have to do some repairs to my tent because the stitching is starting to go and there are little holes appearing for no reason that I can tell. I think I've had it for 7 years, of which probably four or five years it was in the loft. It's not been seriously abused so I don't really know what's going on. Is there such a thing as "grow tent rot" LOL?
I'm considering getting some extra ducting and splitting it so I can run the smaller tent again. I have a spare wilma res and it's possible I have a tray that will fit it if I drill some holes in it. But the small tent needs extraction otherwise it just gets too humid - although I haven't tried it with just hydro in there. Birthday's coming up but I've already had my pressie from hubby so it's going to have to be cost-effective, whatever I do.
Things to ponder, and as usual if anyone wants to chime in with an opinion feel free! I'm very space limited, is the only thing, in terms of footprint.