Outdoor Growing Oak trees with Watermelons in Michigan

I hear ya! When u see people stop n stare from the road with binoculars they are up to no good. I've chased off a few cars like a rabid dog so far this year surprisingly no one cares to talk to you when ur carrying a bat . So much stress comes when planes fly over and cars creap bye. I honestly cant wait for the season to b over so I can lower my guard a bit.

I'm North of you and have been growing large autos all Summer. I also have a photoperiod plant growing in my outside grow with buds packing on. It started flowering the first week of August and already has buds that are getting heavy. I keep my plants below a 6 foot high wooden fence with a locked gate. As long as you have 12 plants or less the police in the state shouldn't bother you for growing. The 10 oz possession locked securely in your house apparently doesn't apply to home growers from what I have read, you can keep what you harvest from 12 plants.

How did your neighbors find out you were growing on 9 acres? Earlier I thought you posted your closest neighbor was a mile away. Since your neighbors called CPS you now have the man in your life. You need a more secure grow area especially if you have kids. Chicken wire isn't going to cut it. Did CPS see your outdoor grow? I believe you will find that you have to prevent access to anyone under the age of 21 in state law.

Under Michigan law they can't be observed from ground level or nearby structures. If they are only visible from the public with binoculars, air by drone or plane you are still legal as far as state law but the feds could ruin your day though the DOJ had previously decided not to bust people complying with state law or they would be shutting down commercial grows first.

I jarred up over 4 ounces from one autoflower yesterday.

From this plant I believe.

The only photo plant I'm growing.

I bend the top of the plant below the fence. I'm set back from a road maybe 75 feet. People drive by it all day and don't know that behind the fence I grow weed. My property is posted. Everyone knows I have a German Shepherd that is 100 pounds and looks vicious but she doesn't bite.

I've already jarred up something over a pound from autos. I have 5 more auto plants, nearing harvest on two. If the photo plant gets done I will likely grow a few more next year. This was basically a test to see if they can grow in my location. I'm near the tip of the mitt and in one of the coldest parts of the state. I usually still have snow on the ground in May and first snow is in October. I often have 8 months with snow on the ground. I also live on an island so I have 95-98% humidity during the night time hours outside.
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So far so good the case worker acted irritated that he was even having to respond to the accusations even going as far as to say he had real cases that needed his attention! I keep everything locked up like fort Knox. I'm so upset with my neighbors right now it's not funny. What a horrible time as if their is a good time to have an investigation on you but this case will b open for 30 days for state law n will b active during harvest err. People are so ignorant about marijuana it's not funny. But anyways onward n upward n nothing changes with the grow I'm still moving forward just even more scary n stressful
I will b building more around the grow this weekend more barriers and a few privacy walls to block the neighbors back property that adjoins mine. Probably add a 3rd security fence
So far so good the case worker acted irritated that he was even having to respond to the accusations even going as far as to say he had real cases that needed his attention! I keep everything locked up like fort Knox. I'm so upset with my neighbors right now it's not funny. What a horrible time as if their is a good time to have an investigation on you but this case will b open for 30 days for state law n will b active during harvest err. People are so ignorant about marijuana it's not funny. But anyways onward n upward n nothing changes with the grow I'm still moving forward just even more scary n stressful

Make sure you have a safe to lock up all your harvested weed in. I got a big gun safe from Dunhams a few years back for $300.00. Plenty of room with the shelves taken out. Or go to Home Depot and get a big work site steel tool box that you can put chainsaws etc in. They have recessed padlock inserts to secure the toolbox and I picked one up for $100.00. They would meet the state law requirements for securing any amount over 2.5 ounces. You could fit a 100 pound bale of weed in one.
That sucks JC I would put a bag of shit on their front porch and light on fire and ring the door bell!
Yeah it sounds good but I don't want to war with my neighbors. Im a patient person carma always seems to take care of shit! Im not worried about any of this Im legit not doing anything wrong. Kinda sucks that I let my medical card expire last month and didnt renew because I figured Id save 200$ because its recreationally legal now might have to go and renew that card just to keep the state happy they are getting my $$. Ill keep everyone informed so if they have children maybe ill learn something through this that can help out anyone with kids.
So outside of the drama the grow is killing it! The weather is not being fully cooperative though raining several times this week and raining again today cold and cloudy with afternoon temps rising and humidity around 70% so pm, mold, and rot patrol is on, on a brighter note the bugs have finally slowed down. The flowers are stacking nicely and already packing heavy trics on a few of the girls. I will be continuing on with upgrading the blinds and covering the grow site through the long weekend I have and will post up some new pics later after I get my work done. I have been throwing $ at these 2 grows I have all summer and I hope sooner or later I will have something that I can feel is safe and keeps the world from seeing what I have going on! Growing for huge trees has almost been a nightmare this year as its presented me with all sorts of obstacles and problems I wish I had thought this through quite a bit more before I got into it this year. I still don't have a real game plan on how to dry, cure, and preserve what I get this year let alone how I will get it processed for curing. I honestly was not prepared at all for the trees to get as big as they did either. Guerilla growing for years but only my 2nd year full sun out in the open and its an eye awakening experience as to the true size these things can get and honestly I believe I only grew these about half as big as they can get. I definitely should have worked this garden a few more years and got it built up before I decided to go huge.
Yeah it sounds good but I don't want to war with my neighbors. Im a patient person carma always seems to take care of shit! Im not worried about any of this Im legit not doing anything wrong. Kinda sucks that I let my medical card expire last month and didnt renew because I figured Id save 200$ because its recreationally legal now might have to go and renew that card just to keep the state happy they are getting my $$. Ill keep everyone informed so if they have children maybe ill learn something through this that can help out anyone with kids.
Back in the 80's and 90's my sister worked on projects for a major defense contractor in MO in their Skunkworks division and had a security clearance. She had five young kids at the time and both she and her husband worked. Her next door neighbor made her life hell always calling CPS for every little thing which could have caused her problems with her security clearance when you are working on secret defense systems.

I grew up in the 60's where at 8 or 9 you left home in the morning and had to be home by dark. No one ever heard of CPS back then.
So what to you do for humidity problems outdoors. Daytime right now my humidity is 43% but as soon as it gets dark my humidity is in the 90% range, sometimes 98%, every night. Will Hydrogen Peroxide spray deal with mold problems? I don't have any yet. Every morning I go and shake my photo plant off. The autos outside never show any problem except once in mid Summer in my pole barn grow tent I started getting rot on one plant with a packed 24 inch pineapple size cola and I cut the plant and took out the bad section and the rest dried and cured fine.
I usualy spray with Milk, H2O2, Lavender, with Aloe. It kinda seems like that mix covers just about any issue for me. I pick at the buds almost every day getting the pollen and shit that floats through the air out of them and shake them off after it rains. This isnt a 100% cure all as I always seem to have a little bit that gets infected with some kind of issue but growing out in the open in the elements I dont think you can totally get away from issues.