Its 25rh in the grow room this morning witch is worrying me and its literally so cold in the attic I'm thinking I'm gonna have to box my grow room in and insulate it loads seal all gaps and try to not let any cold in air etc otherwise I'm going to forever run in to these problems I think
Will keep everyone updated the girls see fine but I dont think they are growing much due to conditions, maybe my best option guys what do u lot think as always any help will be aprieshiated I'm pulling my hair out here man! Lol . @Rebel @The Elvis @Slater @2Stoned2Care @IndicaIVoz @budelee

Will keep everyone updated the girls see fine but I dont think they are growing much due to conditions, maybe my best option guys what do u lot think as always any help will be aprieshiated I'm pulling my hair out here man! Lol . @Rebel @The Elvis @Slater @2Stoned2Care @IndicaIVoz @budelee
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