Good thing your a Trooper ! The fan in the top right hand corner of your one pic, that isn't blowing directly on your girl is it ?
Two fans are blowing in a diagonal positions not directly to the plants.Good thing your a Trooper ! The fan in the top right hand corner of your one pic, that isn't blowing directly on your girl is it ?
Day 69 - What has left on her,lol
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Another 2 to 3 weeks?
She has back down to 1 EC from the last week and the 1200 ppm was1.8 EC not 2.4 EC. I follow the dosage on Canna website and back down a bit, not full strength. I gave my fruit auto at 1.8 EC when it was in full flowering. I may have to change the dosage by the looks of it.
She has back down to 1 EC from the last week and the 1200 ppm was1.8 EC not 2.4 EC. I follow the dosage on Canna website and back down a bit, not full strength. I gave my fruit auto at 1.8 EC when it was in full flowering. I may have to change the dosage by the looks of it.
She has back down to 1 EC from the last week and the 1200 ppm was1.8 EC not 2.4 EC. I follow the dosage on Canna website and back down a bit, not full strength. I gave my fruit auto at 1.8 EC when it was in full flowering. I may have to change the dosage by the looks of it.
Thanks for thinking of my girlMephisto girls hate EC. Thinking of your new lady!
I grow mainly Mephisto thoughts....
I start at 0.3 for germ 0.5 early days 0.6 when I top and then raise 0.1 each week till nute burn indications.
That is with a base EC of 0.2 first week then 0.3. I use RO water so buffer with Cal/Mag
If I followed buddahstree grow chart recommendations - I would be at 3+ EC. Same with canna! Been there, done that!
The dosage recommendations are to be diluted . If you over shoot EC add water and cal/mag to dilute.
Using EC my aim is to give the girls as little as possible nute wise! Especially as I drain 20-30 lt a day in excess run off!!!
Edit : I may try 1.1 with CLDC at the weekend .... I get scared when the leaves are a nice green ! Just cannot seem to max the bud yield I want. Stating to think it is space ....