Dinafem Bubba Kush Auto - Harvested

The newest growth looks good.

What is done is done. I reckon this girl is a keeper.

Lots of buds and time for them to swell.

She may not be pretty but that is just character . We ain’t all super models!
What is your nutes in EC and base EC? Ppm is so confusing!

Based is 170 ppm and after the nutes is 1200 ppm. I don't understand about the ppm and really confusing. After what she has been through in the last 2 weeks, she is still producing buds and not dead yet, I am amazed by her resilience.
If you get a chance next time your doing pics, could you get a close up on some bud shots for us ?

Something I find helpful, especially if I have a bunch of dead larger leaves is start removing them. Specifically the ones on the inside of the plant covering up bud sites. I generally leave the fan leaves on the outside of the plant where the light doesn't hit the bud as much anyway. I find it also helps determine if the deficiency is progressing or not.

Thanks for the tips. I do remove some of the dead leaves but it has too many,lol. I will get rid of those leaves tomorrow then. Something is definitely progressing as the yellow leaves are spreading, uncontrollably. The middle two branches which are shorter than the 'outer circle', 2 days ago they were all green but today, yellow is moving up.

Day 65 (1).jpg
Day 65 (2).jpg
Day 65 (3).jpg
Day 65 (4).jpg
You aren't going to save those messed up leaves no matter what you do. She's given up on them and so should you. Look at your new growth, like jumper114 said it looks okay from here (can you get a closer shot of one of the colas?). If that looks healthy, then you're probably out of the woods. Don't panic and over-water/feed her. It can take a few days before they show signs of improvement. Let her dry out to where she's asking for a drink.
Thanks for the reply. I understand I can't fix the old yellow leaves but it is progressing uncontrollably as the yellow leaves are spreading as I mentioned in the previous post. Now I have to see her through to the end and let her do her thing. I am over the worry period now as I know I messed up,lol
By the way, I kind of forget to mention (or too embarrassed to mention ) that I kinda snapped one of the stems? I mean,it has got a little gap between the stems but she is still producing buds and seems like fine, I would say Dinafem genetics is strong,lol
Lots of nice white pistils in there and some lovely resin production so she can't be too unhappy.

By the way, I kind of forget to mention (or too embarrassed to mention ) that I kinda snapped one of the stems? I mean,it has got a little gap between the stems but she is still producing buds and seems like fine, I would say Dinafem genetics is strong,lol
Just tape it back together with packing tape whenever something like that happens. It'll fix itself right up eventually. In the end, you might be surprised with what she produces given all the stress she's gone through. This is one hell of a strong plant.
Thanks for the reply. I understand I can't fix the old yellow leaves but it is progressing uncontrollably as the yellow leaves are spreading as I mentioned in the previous post. Now I have to see her through to the end and let her do her thing. I am over the worry period now as I know I messed up,lol
Not sure if this was mentioned already, but a dose of mycorrhizae could help a lot, especially if the roots took any damage. I would try to get a straight up mycorrizal fungi product before any of the bottled ones. There's a product called Root Rescue Transplanter in Canada that is actually amazing, there might be an equivalent where you live. Look for "endomycorrhizal fungi," that's the type that attaches to cannabis roots.
Not sure if this was mentioned already, but a dose of mycorrhizae could help a lot, especially if the roots took any damage. I would try to get a straight up mycorrizal fungi product before any of the bottled ones. There's a product called Root Rescue Transplanter in Canada that is actually amazing, there might be an equivalent where you live. Look for "endomycorrhizal fungi," that's the type that attaches to cannabis roots.

Thanks again for the comment. Without shadow of a doubt, she is a very strong plant consider the hell she has been through,lol

I have looked into the mycorrhizae fungi and planned to use it in the next grow. As far as I am aware, they are better to use/put under the roots, like put them under the hole where you are going to transplant the seedling or sow near the seed. In my case, she is full grown, where should I put the fungi? Have read on the internet that dig some holes and sow it in but I don't feel comfortable to make some holes near her in this stage, what do you recommend?

Seeing her dying (more yellow leaves or dry leaves everyday) but thriving (producing buds) at the same time, I am just doing a light feed and hope to see her till the end.
Lots of nice white pistils in there and some lovely resin production so she can't be too unhappy.

Just tape it back together with packing tape whenever something like that happens. It'll fix itself right up eventually. In the end, you might be surprised with what she produces given all the stress she's gone through. This is one hell of a strong plant.

I think she is trying her hardest to produce the flowers, though it is a tough moment for her. I don't think she will recover from the dying symptoms and direct all her energy to produce buds, finger crossed, I will still get a decent harvest :biggrin:
Hi Trooperwife! Your lady is going to give you some fine bud for sure, I can tell just looking at her. And it won’t be long either, she’s headed into the final stretch. What are you growing next? Still 3 days to enter a germination photo into the Dinafem second leg GOTY battle https://www.autoflower.org/threads/dinafem-grower-of-the-year-2-leg.70702/

We’d love to have you!
Thanks again for the comment. Without shadow of a doubt, she is a very strong plant consider the hell she has been through,lol

I have looked into the mycorrhizae fungi and planned to use it in the next grow. As far as I am aware, they are better to use/put under the roots, like put them under the hole where you are going to transplant the seedling or sow near the seed. In my case, she is full grown, where should I put the fungi? Have read on the internet that dig some holes and sow it in but I don't feel comfortable to make some holes near her in this stage, what do you recommend?

Seeing her dying (more yellow leaves or dry leaves everyday) but thriving (producing buds) at the same time, I am just doing a light feed and hope to see her till the end.
I think digging holes is mainly for treating trees because the ground is so much harder than garden media. In coco or gardening soil, you can just add it straight to the media like you would nutrients. I'd give enough mixture to make sure it soaks down to the roots, or you can bottom-feed (water the drip tray and let it soak up). I prefer to top-feed because it's quicker. IIRC the fungi uses carbohydrates for energy, so if your nutrient line has a carb product (usually made from blackstrap molasses and/or cane sugar), add that to your mix as well. If you get powdered fungi I find it takes a while to fully dissolve because it clumps, but it will eventually (I have to let it sit for a few minutes and occasionally gently swirl the liquid).