Dinafem Bubba Kush Auto - Harvested

Hi Trooperwife! Your lady is going to give you some fine bud for sure, I can tell just looking at her. And it won’t be long either, she’s headed into the final stretch. What are you growing next? Still 3 days to enter a germination photo into the Dinafem second leg GOTY battle https://www.autoflower.org/threads/dinafem-grower-of-the-year-2-leg.70702/

We’d love to have you!
Thanks for the reply. I am not sure which strain I am going for next, too many to choose but too little space,lol. Unfortunately I have to pass the Dinafem second leg this time as I have got 2 seedlings at the moment (Zamnesia Blueberry for the grow battle and Mephisto 24 Carat) but I will be in for the next round.

Greedy me hope for an ounce from my Bubba,lol
I think digging holes is mainly for treating trees because the ground is so much harder than garden media. In coco or gardening soil, you can just add it straight to the media like you would nutrients. I'd give enough mixture to make sure it soaks down to the roots, or you can bottom-feed (water the drip tray and let it soak up). I prefer to top-feed because it's quicker. IIRC the fungi uses carbohydrates for energy, so if your nutrient line has a carb product (usually made from blackstrap molasses and/or cane sugar), add that to your mix as well. If you get powdered fungi I find it takes a while to fully dissolve because it clumps, but it will eventually (I have to let it sit for a few minutes and occasionally gently swirl the liquid).

Thanks for the tips but as she is doing 'fine' at the moment, I will give the fungi a try in my next grow. I have read quite a bit of it in my research and with your advise, it will be an interesting thing to try.
Day 66 - Trimmed out a lot of leaves and the bud sites look promising.

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ohhh yea look at her now !!! An ounce you hope for ? hah she's going to more than double that !

(edit) Triple that ! And those buds still are full of white pistols on them yet, they are going to be huge …

Yep! You’ll far surpass an ounce when those buds finish stacking and swelling. She looks really good!

You guys just made my day,lol. Don't give me false hope tho,lol

After what I have done to her, an ounce will be good enough :biggrin:
Day 67 - One of the biggest branches fell off and I didn't know how to tape it back. The plant is ill and other branches and stems are quite flimsy, I will leave them as they are, try not to disturb her. It was sad tho.

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You could maybe try something like bamboo sticks and pipe cleaners from the dollar store for support. The one time I had a broken branch I tied a pipe cleaner and duct tape around it for a week. Once it heals you'll be able to attach a swing bench to it.

(edit) ohh and grab some hot glue from dollar store maybe as well. I put lil blobs of glue on the sticks every few inches to help the pipe cleaners from slipping.
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You could maybe try something like bamboo sticks and pipe cleaners from the dollar store for support. The one time I had a broken branch I tied a pipe cleaner and duct tape around it for a week. Once it heals you'll be able to attach a swing bench to it.

(edit) ohh and grab some hot glue from dollar store maybe as well. I put lil blobs of glue on the sticks every few inches to help the pipe cleaners from slipping.

Tried with the bamboo stick but the whole plant is very flimsy, I cut my lost and leave it be. Shamed I lost the biggest branch but I can't risk any further. It literally broke off from the stem, not just snapped.......how could it possibly happen?lol

This journal is to demonstrate what Not to do to a plant and how much a Bubba Kush can take,lol
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