New Grower Grow Zero//White Widow, Blackjack, & Pineapple from Dr. Seeds in PROMIX

Really, got some good smells going? I thought I smelt a little something with Lollita--- I love that state law!!!!!!!:jointman: Can't wait to see those new toys.
Well it’s been a bit since I’ve been on. Busy times but the girls are coming along great. Pics first, deets, next... :smoking:

The Pineapple is looking great, she’s currently getting 1L daily with 2ml Voodoo Juice, 2 mlB-52, 1/1/1 MGB, @ 6.0-6.2. I topped her as soon as her fourth node developed, stunting her for a few days but she recovered beautifully and is growing like a weed haha. I just really wanted to see the difference was between FIMing and topping. No better way than to do both imo lol.

The White Widow has been bushing out something fierce, I’m still adjusting my tie-downs but growth has really exploded recently. Feedings are up to 3L every couple of days with 6ml B-52, 3 ml Cal/Mag, 2/2/2 MGB. I will be flushing when pre flower kicks in good since I don’t water to runoff. Nutes to be adjusted as well when I hit that point.

Blackjack! I’m kinda shocked by this little bugger. She has blown up on me and is looking like she’s a little farther along than the WW, but not by much. Feedings are the same as WW. I did flush this one this morning with three times pot volume and topped off with 2 L of regular feeding as well as 4ml of Voodoo Juice.

Well that’s all for now folks, time for a toke and some rest. Keep em growing!:cheers:
Well here we are, getting a bit carried away and doing more harm than good. I broke two stems on my Pineapple this morning, getting her started on LST :sad:. Where did I go wrong? Trying to do crap in a hurry... My two older girls are exploding and I haven’t made a lot of time to keep up with them. I’m honestly feeling like the bigger they get, the less time I’m getting to manage them properly. Feedings have been the same for the past week, missing a day here and there, forgetting to PH, etc... It’s just frustrating as hell. I’m definitely going to have to see how this grow turns out and put some serious thought into continuing. I know screw ups happen but I also know this isn’t a hobby where you can just do crap whenever you want, the girls demand attention!! So there it is, my first bout of doubts and it sucks :wall:
Well here we are, getting a bit carried away and doing more harm than good. I broke two stems on my Pineapple this morning, getting her started on LST :sad:. Where did I go wrong? Trying to do crap in a hurry... My two older girls are exploding and I haven’t made a lot of time to keep up with them. I’m honestly feeling like the bigger they get, the less time I’m getting to manage them properly. Feedings have been the same for the past week, missing a day here and there, forgetting to PH, etc... It’s just frustrating as hell. I’m definitely going to have to see how this grow turns out and put some serious thought into continuing. I know screw ups happen but I also know this isn’t a hobby where you can just do crap whenever you want, the girls demand attention!! So there it is, my first bout of doubts and it sucks :wall:
You got this yo! If it makes you feel any better id love to be where youre at in your grow!
The broken branches suck but you can maybe tape em up right?
Im constantly reminding myself to let this do its thing. Its a weed, it wants to grow. You got this!
Well here we are, getting a bit carried away and doing more harm than good. I broke two stems on my Pineapple this morning, getting her started on LST :sad:. Where did I go wrong? Trying to do crap in a hurry... My two older girls are exploding and I haven’t made a lot of time to keep up with them. I’m honestly feeling like the bigger they get, the less time I’m getting to manage them properly. Feedings have been the same for the past week, missing a day here and there, forgetting to PH, etc... It’s just frustrating as hell. I’m definitely going to have to see how this grow turns out and put some serious thought into continuing. I know screw ups happen but I also know this isn’t a hobby where you can just do crap whenever you want, the girls demand attention!! So there it is, my first bout of doubts and it sucks grow it, smoke it, simple.
Hey man, try and cheer yourself up. It reminds me of my self when I first started growing in my 2x4 closet. I thought you just had to drop a seed in the dirt, water it, watch it grow, and then smoke it:jointman::rofl: You are doing great, just take a big toke of some home grown, so you ended up in the twilight zone, lots of us have been there. I'm enjoying your journal, don't let those girls beat you! You made me forget all about the brown spots on Lollita:goodluck:
Thanks for the words of encouragement @baked in the bluegrass and @rick-j . Just needed to reset I think haha. I broke yet another branch off of her yesterday, trying to tie it back. I’m going to let her be and grow as she pleases. I didn’t realize how much these plants can vary structurally. This one definitely requires an experienced hand as she is very brittle, even in such a young stage! I also dropped my ph pen into some water and fried it lmao!!! So I just stepped back, took a breath, and let them be for a couple of days. New pen comes in today & I’m off. Going to be flushing the WW and resetting Nutes, she will be going to VooDoo Juice, B-52, AN M/G/B, & Big Bud. Pineapple is on a normal nute regimen and I’m starting light dosing of calmag. So back to the grow and turning out nice buds! I’ll get some pictures up after I get things sorted with them later on today. Smoke smoke!
Thanks for the words of encouragement @baked in the bluegrass and @rick-j . Just needed to reset I think haha. I broke yet another branch off of her yesterday, trying to tie it back. I’m going to let her be and grow as she pleases. I didn’t realize how much these plants can vary structurally. This one definitely requires an experienced hand as she is very brittle, even in such a young stage! I also dropped my ph pen into some water and fried it lmao!!! So I just stepped back, took a breath, and let them be for a couple of days. New pen comes in today & I’m off. Going to be flushing the WW and resetting Nutes, she will be going to VooDoo Juice, B-52, AN M/G/B, & Big Bud. Pineapple is on a normal nute regimen and I’m starting light dosing of calmag. So back to the grow and turning out nice buds! I’ll get some pictures up after I get things sorted with them later on today. Smoke smoke!
If it makes you feel better-- I once took a toothbrush to the glass sensor on my Oaktron PH pen, just to clean the build up on it it gently, I broke the damn thing! I am retired and have a lot of time to spend with my girls , some times I forget how hard it is to grow when you get so busy with life! Glad you took a deep breath, can't wait for the pic's, come on White Widow.:jointman:
girls are looking great @SaltyReefer! dont be scared to grab some duct tape and fix her back up.

i lst/adjust after my girls are hydrated. i just feel like thirsty plants can snap.
@rick-j too funny man! Crap happens, I guess haha. I finally got my new pen in and it seems pretty sweet, had to order in a hurry so I went with first one available next day and ended up dropping $50USD. So I’m back in action and back to feeding these ladies.

As for the girls... White Widow went through a flush this morning and seems to be happy overall. I’m moving to 3L feedings every 2-3 days with her now and I introduced big bud to the nute regimen. Blackjack is also on the same diet. She is definitely further along than her bigger sister, I’m betting she’ll be finished sooner than the Widow. I’m excited, will get pics shortly. As for the Pineapple, my victim... she is such a trooper, any growth that I managed not to break off, seems to be trucking right along! I’m feeling some kind of way in regards to LST with her, I think I will leave her tied off as she is and allow her to do her own thing going forward. I’ve had enough issues trying to get this strain grown haha. She’s going to be getting 2L feeds every other day and I will slowly ramp her Nutes up as she progresses. So much covered but I’ve had a lot going on lately. I finally feel like I have a handle on things though, which is a good feeling!!

@thedailydose , I had one break that I tried the duct tape with and I still lost it. I had read something about duct tape fixes and actually had success with the Blackjack a few weeks back. This pineapple just seems so much more brittle. I work my larger girls first and I’m so used to how flexible they are. Then I grab this little sucker and she plays dirty haha.