New Grower Grow Zero//White Widow, Blackjack, & Pineapple from Dr. Seeds in PROMIX

It’s been a while since my last update so here we go! These girls have been growing like weeds haha. I switched from MH to HPS last weekend to accommodate the flowering girls. I considered leaving them under MH but it really sounds like they would benefit from the change in light spectrum. I’m going to assume the younger Pineapple will be ok under the new bulb as well. I’m already thinking of a second tent in all honesty. I’m still thrilled with how well this is going, being my first grow and all haha. A

Pineapple is on day 38 & has been doing well, even though she’s short a few branches from LST mistakes (live and learn). She’s up to 2 L feedings every other day and is currently getting AN M/G/B @ 1/1/1 ratio, .5ml/L CalMag, 2ml/L AN B-52, & ph has been 5.8-6.4 per feeding. She has been topped and tied down as needed to spread her out some.

WW & Blackjack are on day 59. They’re currently in flower and making that final stretch. I’m currently feeding them 3 L every other day with AN M/G/B @ 1.75 ml/L ratio, 2ml/L AN B-52, 2ml/L AN Big Bud, 1.25 ml/L CalMag, & ph’d at 5.8-6.4. Flowers are looking great on some stems, they look like they’re stacking nicely. Things are smelling good in the tent too, no smell outside (small victory as I didn’t know what to expect). I have done some minimal defoliation, mostly trying to keep things open but they’ve both gotten so bushy all of the sudden. I’m scared of doing too much while they’re flowering. Would love some good advice on this topic if anyone wants to chime in?

Temps have been between 65-80, and Rh between 50%-70%. I’m currently running my exhaust at half speed, constantly to help keep Rh in check. If you read all of this, kudos to you ahaha! It’s a lot but I like covering as much as possible:smoking:. Pics to come. Happy growing:jointman:
It’s been a while since my last update so here we go! These girls have been growing like weeds haha. I switched from MH to HPS last weekend to accommodate the flowering girls. I considered leaving them under MH but it really sounds like they would benefit from the change in light spectrum. I’m going to assume the younger Pineapple will be ok under the new bulb as well. I’m already thinking of a second tent in all honesty. I’m still thrilled with how well this is going, being my first grow and all haha. A

Pineapple is on day 38 & has been doing well, even though she’s short a few branches from LST mistakes (live and learn). She’s up to 2 L feedings every other day and is currently getting AN M/G/B @ 1/1/1 ratio, .5ml/L CalMag, 2ml/L AN B-52, & ph has been 5.8-6.4 per feeding. She has been topped and tied down as needed to spread her out some.

WW & Blackjack are on day 59. They’re currently in flower and making that final stretch. I’m currently feeding them 3 L every other day with AN M/G/B @ 1.75 ml/L ratio, 2ml/L AN B-52, 2ml/L AN Big Bud, 1.25 ml/L CalMag, & ph’d at 5.8-6.4. Flowers are looking great on some stems, they look like they’re stacking nicely. Things are smelling good in the tent too, no smell outside (small victory as I didn’t know what to expect). I have done some minimal defoliation, mostly trying to keep things open but they’ve both gotten so bushy all of the sudden. I’m scared of doing too much while they’re flowering. Would love some good advice on this topic if anyone wants to chime in?

Temps have been between 65-80, and Rh between 50%-70%. I’m currently running my exhaust at half speed, constantly to help keep Rh in check. If you read all of this, kudos to you ahaha! It’s a lot but I like covering as much as possible:smoking:. Pics to come. Happy growing:jointman:
Lookin good and plenty--- it's amazing how much punishment these girls can take. Sounds and looks like you are having fun! Keep it up. I tried those MH and HPS bulbs a long time ago, man did they grow, but, I had heat problems, no exhaust to speak of, looks like your girls are enjoying them. I just tuck my bigger leaves out of the way that are blocking the light from my bottom buds, some times they break at the stem, oh-well, it will be ok. I got my liters and gallons mixed up:wall: with those AN nute's on previous grows, slowly learning, lots of stuff to mess up on! Happy Growing-----:jointman:
Lookin good and plenty--- it's amazing how much punishment these girls can take. Sounds and looks like you are having fun! Keep it up. I tried those MH and HPS bulbs a long time ago, man did they grow, but, I had heat problems, no exhaust to speak of, looks like your girls are enjoying them. I just tuck my bigger leaves out of the way that are blocking the light from my bottom buds, some times they break at the stem, oh-well, it will be ok. I got my liters and gallons mixed up:wall: with those AN nute's on previous grows, slowly learning, lots of stuff to mess up on! Happy Growing-----:jointman:
Funny you mention the heat @rick-j , I ran into some troubles a few days ago with this grow because of heat lol. My girls were all droopy and the leaves felt thin, this after a 3 L watering the night before. I was baffled for a bit but noticed my heater kicked on and drive temps to almost 90 degrees! I kicked the heater out of the tent (my basement is no longer cold lol) and upped my exhaust to a constant medium setting. So far so good! I also fed another 3 L that day and they recovered nicely. So far Blackjack is moving along and will likely finish ahead of the WW. Buds are developing and I’m starting to see a lot of trichomes on the leaves. How has Lollita been doing? I haven’t looked at journals for a few days.