New Grower Grow Zero//White Widow, Blackjack, & Pineapple from Dr. Seeds in PROMIX

That loupe I got works great but damn I can’t hold steady long enough to focus for long lmaoo
I had the same problem, had to save and get a microscope that hooks up to your pc, now I snip a bit off the buds and look at those trich's under a nice, steady, no hands involved scope. It works wonderfull, go to my grow journal and check out the pic's I took of Lollitas trich's--
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Well it’s been a while since my last update... My Blackjack and White Widow have been doing great. I am definitely going to see a great WW harvest (well great for me anyway). She has multiple colas and they’re bulking up pretty nice. The Blackjack has a few nice colas but she also has a few stems that stretched and only grew popcorn buds. Not sure what that’s all about haha. Anyway, here’s some deets and I’ll try to get some shots posted later tonight. Temps have been stable at 75-80 and humidity was starting to get away from me, hitting up to 80%. I’ve since tossed an air conditioning unit in the basement and it’s driven RH to 50-55%. I had some major issues with the lights tripping the GFC and the girls spent a few days with almost zero lights. They didn’t seem to mind much but they were also on their final stretch of bulking up so it may impact yields? Trichs are still clear so I’m feeding @ 3L daily until I start seeing cloudy trichs. From everything I’ve researched, ProMix should be treated somewhere in between hydro and soil grows. I’m planning on a flush within the next week, I’m just holding off for those trichs to tell me when it’s time. I guess flushing goes quicker in soilless mediums so I want to feed up to the last possible moment. As for the Pineapple, she’s on day 53 and in preflower mode. She’s taken some serious abuse but has already outgrown the older girls! She’s been getting 2 L feedings every other day and I just jumped that to 3L this morning. Not sure what else to say, think I’ve said more than enough already haha. Pics to come! :thumbsup:
Sexy sexy, your widow is a beast!
She really is a beast! She was supposed to wrap up between day 70-80 but she’s still going haha. Did you see that scraggly looking stem on the Blackjack? Can’t figure out what the hell happened there lol. I keep thinking I’ll be flushing any day now, but trichs are still mostly clear so I’m patiently waiting...
She really is a beast! She was supposed to wrap up between day 70-80 but she’s still going haha. Did you see that scraggly looking stem on the Blackjack? Can’t figure out what the hell happened there lol. I keep thinking I’ll be flushing any day now, but trichs are still mostly clear so I’m patiently waiting...
Looks very good, nice pics----should all be good in the end-- hows that patience working?
Sexy sexy, your widow is a beast!

Looks very good, nice pics----should all be good in the end-- hows that patience working?
It’s actually working out just fine. I can’t lie though, I’m pretty excited now that we’re playing the “waiting to harvest” game! I’m disciplined enough to hold off though. I didn’t do all of this work just to screw up the harvest :crying:
Day 80~ I finally did a flush on both girls this morning. I’m going to stop feeding and do 3L waterings daily from here on out. Trichs are clouding up but there’s still tons of clear ones, no amber that I’ve seen. Pistils remain mostly white with a few brown/red ones. Now we wait...