New Grower Grow Zero//White Widow, Blackjack, & Pineapple from Dr. Seeds in PROMIX

So your buds there may be foxtailing, which look like little "bud-warts" or something. They seem to show up as an indicator of stress.
I wonder if you may have dosed the girls with too much light or heat or some combo lately?
As far as feeds go i think im of the mindset you feed up till the last week or two, then switch to water only. Im not flushing tho and i dont water to run off, so take that fwiw!
White Widow Day 103-ish as well. Really thrilled with her, she has a lot of tops and some fat, dense buds. Such a difference from the Blackjack! Her trichs are mostly clear but I did notice a small amount of cloudy and a few ambers sprinkled in. She’s getting the chop soon. I should probably put a game plan together for this. I’ve heard of going dark for three days before chop, fan leaf removal the day before, gasoline and your favorite bong (oh, that’s not a thing((or safe))) :crying:. I’m open to suggestions on harvesting:d5:
So your buds there may be foxtailing, which look like little "bud-warts" or something. They seem to show up as an indicator of stress.
I wonder if you may have dosed the girls with too much light or heat or some combo lately?
As far as feeds go i think im of the mindset you feed up till the last week or two, then switch to water only. Im not flushing tho and i dont water to run off, so take that fwiw!
I’ve been getting up to 82/72rh at times, I wonder if this is why? I’m smoking their fox tailed asses regardless ha! Back to business though, is this a bad deal? They’ve been on a continuous 20/4 light cycle as well...
Heres how my widow went.....chopped her stem, hung her up whole for 2 days. Chopped off half her leaves and hung her back up. Took her down on day 4 and trimmed the rest off. She was dried by day 5 and has been in the jar since.
I burp the jar 1x time daily, for 30 minutes. Pretty simple!
I’ve been getting up to 82/72rh at times, I wonder if this is why? I’m smoking their fox tailed asses regardless ha! Back to business though, is this a bad deal? They’ve been on a continuous 20/4 light cycle as well...
My widow foxtailed as well, tho im sure its cause i blasted her with too much light. Im smoking the sh!t outta her so i dont think its a deal breaker at all lol
My widow foxtailed as well, tho im sure its cause i blasted her with too much light. Im smoking the sh!t outta her so i dont think its a deal breaker at all lol
All I needed to hear haha! I did keep the light higher once I got this tent set up. They used to sit on milk crates and get blasted with 600w hps. Going to have to see what the light upgrade brings if o do upgrade
I do not know how much, if at all, this will affecy foxtailing and plant stress levels but apparently b vitamins can help your plant in those instances, and possibly some of the fungicides can strengthen the plants natural defenses