Harvest & Curing Grove Bags and Boveda Curing

Absolutely, Sorry just saw this. I will have our CEO answer this in the morning as he can provide a much more scientific answer then I can.

hey, thanks so much for asking and your patience in my getting back with you. harvest season is crazy!. we have got some resources on our website but in addition to that let me dive in!

So TerpLoc is a special type of packaging technology that modifies the atmosphere inside the container for a natural product. Produce or any sort of vegetation or plant is still respirating until the nutrients in the plant are all expired. TerpLoc is engineered around the unique needs of the plant (anti static, anti microbial, 58-62RH balance, 2% oxygen levels for anaerobic material) utilizing the natural moisture content within the plant (ideally placed into the bag after being properly dried down to 10-11% moisture content. Utilizing the off gassing of moisture from the plant, pressure builds up in the headspace of the bag/pouch and power the solutions by either slowly expelling or absorbing moisture vapor into the surrounding environment or from the surrounding environment. Therefore you can think of the moisture content of the plant as the gas for the engine that TerpLoc is for transporting your buds from the dry stage to the consumer as we as growers intended.
Hope this helps!
Would you guys be interested if i did a video webinar with a whiteboard and recorded it for best practices etc???
hey, thanks so much for asking and your patience in my getting back with you. harvest season is crazy!. we have got some resources on our website but in addition to that let me dive in!

So TerpLoc is a special type of packaging technology that modifies the atmosphere inside the container for a natural product. Produce or any sort of vegetation or plant is still respirating until the nutrients in the plant are all expired. TerpLoc is engineered around the unique needs of the plant (anti static, anti microbial, 58-62RH balance, 2% oxygen levels for anaerobic material) utilizing the natural moisture content within the plant (ideally placed into the bag after being properly dried down to 10-11% moisture content. Utilizing the off gassing of moisture from the plant, pressure builds up in the headspace of the bag/pouch and power the solutions by either slowly expelling or absorbing moisture vapor into the surrounding environment or from the surrounding environment. Therefore you can think of the moisture content of the plant as the gas for the engine that TerpLoc is for transporting your buds from the dry stage to the consumer as we as growers intended.
Hope this helps!
Would you guys be interested if i did a video webinar with a whiteboard and recorded it for best practices etc???
LOL! A bit grey there.
keep in mind they may not want to share the “secret sauce” on a public forum
:thumbsup: my thoughts too!

Would you guys be interested if i did a video webinar with a whiteboard and recorded it for best practices etc???

I think that's a really cool offer and idea! - I'd watch it! :D It's that little extra that makes something extraordinary.
I just put my first harvest into 1 ounce grove bags. Am I understanding that I don’t have to burp these bags? As long as the hygrometer reads 62%?