Harvest & Curing Grove Bags and Boveda Curing

Whilst on the subject how would wet cured buds fare once dried?.. I understand the terpenes profile will be affected during the cure but need a reliable storage source for my guerrilla buds!.. sorry everyone I'm hijacking the thread forgive me only because I've checked out the website and want to place an order from the UK as do friends I've talked to about these bags... there's free shipping and a flat rate which should I choose?,hopefully free!.. I've sent an email via the contact form and pm here, but ain't heard anything back yet... pm me?.. loving the gamechanging product btw!.. as you were... easy now...
Whilst on the subject how would wet cured buds fare once dried?.. I understand the terpenes profile will be affected during the cure but need a reliable storage source for my guerrilla buds!.. sorry everyone I'm hijacking the thread forgive me only because I've checked out the website and want to place an order from the UK as do friends I've talked to about these bags... there's free shipping and a flat rate which should I choose?,hopefully free!.. I've sent an email via the contact form and pm here, but ain't heard anything back yet... pm me?.. loving the gamechanging product btw!.. as you were... easy now...
I have never done a water cure. So I cannot answer that question.

All of the plants I have grown outdoors years ago and a couple of indoor grows with whiteflies have all been washed and I did not loose any terps or cannibinoids from that process. Just wash with 1 cup lemon juice and 1 cup of baking soda in a 5 gallon bucket of tepid water and rinse in a bucket of cold water and maybe a second rinse in cold water. shake a bit to get the loose water off and hang and dry as normal.
Circumstances may not allow for the traditional hang to dry and cure this time round!, but this Sounds like a plan for cleaning my buds anyways!.. cheers for that.... curious to hear what Grove have to say.... "what you put in is what you get out prolly!".. thanks again tho!.. easy now...