Indoor Greenhouse seeds Super Lemon Haze

Yes my brother, I think I can only go another week before flip otherwise she will be to big

She is exploding so nicely.... I would be tempted too fim a few more collars and tie down all them collars..

But yes a week is more than enough and if ypu go into flowering,,,

2nd week of flowering strait defoliation so ypu can Increase more bud sites as leaves can cover large proportion if the plant.

Also lollipop the plants and stick a fan underneath next too the pots for increased airflow.. thease buds will be spitting resin and it’s a very high terpene plant sand the smell will explode everything the tent opens.... buy some Ona spray for the room. Few splashes before tent opens.

Smashing results...

Yes my brother, I think I can only go another week before flip otherwise she will be to big
The bigger the better, more bud bigger plants. They'll stretch in flower but that's where low stress training, or scrog under a net or you can also super crop to control plant height and also get bigger yields
She could double to triple in height during flowering. Training is the best way to get best yields with height restrictions. Short plants yield as much if not more if trained properly than tall plants. Indoors opening up that canopy allows more light to get your lowers and fill them out nice and fat instead of smaller popcorn nugs
The bigger the better, more bud bigger plants. They'll stretch in flower but that's where low stress training, or scrog under a net or you can also super crop to control plant height and also get bigger yields
Height should be alright it's width and depth which is the issue, I'm in a 4x2x8 tent, I will just defoliate from here on out
This grow is turning out to be experimental for me, topping hasn't really worked for me I don't think as the 2 branches have taken ages to grow so all the other branches were taller and growing alot quicker so now I did a heavy defoliation and used some more bendz to try to get as even a canopy as I can, man it felt brutal doing it and she looks nowhere near as healthy stripped down :frowny: lets see what happens over the next few days, hopefully I didn't go to far!:zen:
6 weeks old
Still trundling along, recovered nicely from being stripped back, i keep saying it but definitely 1 more week till flip, I will strip her back again today.
Day 48
EC 2.4
PH 6.0
RH 50
Temps 75/68
This week I defoliated again, did a bit more training to try to get an even canopy and also to get those lower branches to catch up some with the tops, got a bit of tip burn so found out her current feeding limit.
Pretty happy how she is shaping up, I will change over the res, defoliate again and switch to 12/12 tomorrow, mutant is still trundling along and should produce a few colas so all good, still hoping I can fill the tent as don't want to be wasting real estate lol

Not really an update, more an admission of stupidity :face:
So I've been wondering why growth has not been at the rate I'm used to and I seem to have way less bud sites then normal, well when I did the res change I seemed to have some sort of algae on my lines which has never happened before, so I checked how much bubbles were being created by the air diffuser in the bucket (new for this grow) and literally it was producing about 5 bubbles so my poor roots have basically been sitting in stagnated water for 7 weeks lol, actually shocked I don't have bad root rot but I haven't so all good :cool1:
Anyway I have now swapped back over to air stones and there is a 1000% improvement now, lesson learned always check these things :redcard:
Hopefully next 2 weeks my babies can take off and produce for me!
Not really an update, more an admission of stupidity :face:
So I've been wondering why growth has not been at the rate I'm used to and I seem to have way less bud sites then normal, well when I did the res change I seemed to have some sort of algae on my lines which has never happened before, so I checked how much bubbles were being created by the air diffuser in the bucket (new for this grow) and literally it was producing about 5 bubbles so my poor roots have basically been sitting in stagnated water for 7 weeks lol, actually shocked I don't have bad root rot but I haven't so all good :cool1:
Anyway I have now swapped back over to air stones and there is a 1000% improvement now, lesson learned always check these things :redcard:
Hopefully next 2 weeks my babies can take off and produce for me!

When i was doing my first run, i had no light getting into my res at all, but still have black kinda algy. im assuming i had same issue as you poor bubbles.
1 week into 12/12
PH 5.8
RH 60
Temps 72/63
EC 2.4
Think I have hopefully saved this grow but I definitely was starting to get root rot! Have had to add Silver Bullets to kill any plythium there was but it has also killed any beneficial bacteria I had so I will just run a sterile res now until the end, girls are looking healthy on top so that's something, there has been some stretch but not a great deal but still hopeful I can fill the tent with some banging weed lol