Indoor Greenhouse seeds Super Lemon Haze

When i was doing my first run, i had no light getting into my res at all, but still have black kinda algy. im assuming i had same issue as you poor bubbles.
I think it probably was mate, so annoyed with myself as I am one of the people who says the more air the better and I ended up starving my girls of oxygen but to be fair this is the 1st major issue I've had in my limited growing experience and it's only a mistake if you don't learn from it and do it again!
Exactly and you've just reminded me to get a better air stone for reserve.
Sucks but lucky there not lost. I've lost plants to root rot that just wouldn't recover. Using hydroguard currently but going to try to run somr sterile and some with bennies and see what works best for me. Sterile I'll use Dutch master zone. And Bennie's I'm going to experiment with just great white and myco chum and also brewing a tea with ancient forest soil, great white myco, unsulphered organic blackstrap molasses, and hydroguard. I want to experiment with sterile as I've never ran a sterile res and experiment more with bennies as hydroguard is only 1 strain of beneficial bacteria. I want more Bennie's than just hydroguard. Lol
Giving one of these a go 13cm, should be better than my last one, which was an air dome.

these ones are made for fish tanks so have feet assume there weighted. will defo keep you guys updated ;)
I've got 2 sets of stones, the first set which doesn't have the plastic round it which produce larger bubbles and a set of the ones which have the plastic round them but they also come with rubber feet, they produce smaller bubbles but get clogged more, I really want to just find something that's no maintenance and produces loads of tiny bubbles, surely there must be something out there?
Sucks but lucky there not lost. I've lost plants to root rot that just wouldn't recover. Using hydroguard currently but going to try to run somr sterile and some with bennies and see what works best for me. Sterile I'll use Dutch master zone. And Bennie's I'm going to experiment with just great white and myco chum and also brewing a tea with ancient forest soil, great white myco, unsulphered organic blackstrap molasses, and hydroguard. I want to experiment with sterile as I've never ran a sterile res and experiment more with bennies as hydroguard is only 1 strain of beneficial bacteria. I want more Bennie's than just hydroguard. Lol
Yeah this is new to me running a sterile res, but I'm interested to see what happens, all new root growth looks pure white, will go back to bennies in the future for sure, I want to run mammoth P next
I've got 2 sets of stones, the first set which doesn't have the plastic round it which produce larger bubbles and a set of the ones which have the plastic round them but they also come with rubber feet, they produce smaller bubbles but get clogged more, I really want to just find something that's no maintenance and produces loads of tiny bubbles, surely there must be something out there?
4 inch air stone is your best option in my opinion. But that's just my opinion. They say a waterfall gives better dissolved oxygen than airstones tho. Maybe run a airstone and a waterfall for cheap insurance
4 inch air stone is your best option in my opinion. But that's just my opinion. They say a waterfall gives better dissolved oxygen than airstones tho. Maybe run a airstone and a waterfall for cheap insurance
Will have to look into a waterfall, never heard of them, I currently run 2 6 inch stones per bucket