Indoor GreenBean's Grows

I've definitely seen a massive difference in training vs not. My first auto that started my love affair with them was a lone plant amongst photos in my tent. It grew to be around 5 feet tall, but was mostly one "decent" sized cola up top and some golf ball sized nugs. It's aggressive appearance however, FASCINATED me. So I started digging in deeper next round. Messed with LST and my harvest probably quadrupled. I was off to the races after that.

I'm trying to reach a method where most of the fruiting sites are only at the tops and the plant energy focuses there. It's not a difficult process. Mostly based on plant observation. Just some tying and training here and there, topping if you want. And cleaning the lower branches of clutter to eliminate anything down there that can mold, or just be a waste of energy = LARF I suppose.

But when I look at my plants, usually while I'm listening to vinyl, I often wonder if the particular plant genetics is predetermined to only give what it can give? Like maybe 5 tops would give the same amount as 20? It just get's "spread out differently". This is what I do when I'm HAF. So excuse me while I blather. I find the whole thing fascinating.
I know what you are saying. sometimes I will just Lst, sometimes I top, and it can be best to FIM, I like ponytails as well. One of my plants has over 30 tops on it. I guess I will see how it does.
I know what you are saying. sometimes I will just Lst, sometimes I top, and it can be best to FIM, I like ponytails as well. One of my plants has over 30 tops on it. I guess I will see how it does.

I’ve become a compulsive topper. I can’t resist it. I suppose it’s one of those - if it ain’t broke - things. One of these days I will resist the urge and see what happens.
What a wondrous thing.

Folks, if memory serves correctly, Sherb is 60 days old now. I am waiting for the 4x4 to arrive tomorrow. But I’m super busy printing this week. So I moved her out to the 8x4 for the time being. This girl isn’t going big. She’s going fucking huge. I’m getting ready to open her up a bit. But as she stands, she’ll consume a 4x4 space.

Ok. Got the 4x4 installed. And FYI, taking down an 8x4 is absolutely hellish. But I’m happy in the end to free up all that extra space. Sherb is massive at this point. She drank 4 gallons of Floraflex tonight before runoff. I left the driver in the tent to keep it a little warmer in there.,

Ok. Got the 4x4 installed. And FYI, taking down an 8x4 is absolutely hellish. But I’m happy in the end to free up all that extra space. Sherb is massive at this point. She drank 4 gallons of Floraflex tonight before runoff. I left the driver in the tent to keep it a little warmer in there.,

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That is 1 beautiful big lady my friend.. great job so far :thumbsup: :vibes:
Couple updates on the other plants. Starting with Sage Scout. Crazzzy expression on half of the plant as far as coloration. But she’s doing well. Heading into flower around day 35. Smells of burnt coffee and…sage! Stinnnnnky girl.
