Indoor GreenBean's Grows

Well, to be honest, I’m losing track of days. But we’re at day 50 something. Hopefully the weather cooperates over the next couple weeks, because I think I’m going to have to move her out to the shop into the 8x4. She’ll probably consume the 4x2 if I don’t.

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Maybe it would be worth trying using a 5 or 7 gallon with a small bottomless airpot on top for transplant. you could get more height without as much soil. I have seen it done before with a small and big airpot.
Sage Scout, after topping and then after pinning. Topped at the 6th node/ 18th day last night. Gave her about 24 hours to recuperate, and then a gentle pin.
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Maybe it would be worth trying using a 5 or 7 gallon with a small bottomless airpot on top for transplant. you could get more height without as much soil. I have seen it done before with a small and big airpot.
I’ve been seeing a couple people do this recently, I think that they were using fabric pots and cutting the bottom out of the top one. At first I didn’t understand the concept, then it dawned on me.
Ok I believe this is day 53. She’s eating voraciously- 3 gallons on nutes today. 3 grams each of Floraflex B1 and B2 and 1 gram of Bulky B per gallon of water. I’m still dialing in the nutes, but she looks strong with no deficiencies or excesses.

We’ve got one more warm spell coming up this weekend. After that I believe I’m moving her out to the 8x4 where she’ll be the star of the show in there for a bit. Looks like I’ll have room in the 4x2 soon to pop another seed. Hopefully something that I can move out to the 8x4 in time as well. I’m considering Twenty20 Glue Sniffer in a 10 gallon tall?

Did a bunch of lower canopy and interior canopy cleanup on Sherb last night as I prepare her for the 8x4. Amazing how fast those leaves fill in. Just cleaned the 8x4 and I've got another Atreum bar array @480 watts due in tomorrow. I've decided to downsize the 8x4 out there in the shop to a 4x4 as soon as I can. One thing I love about the Atreum lights is that if I want to add more bars to the array and upgrade to a higher power driver, I can fairly easily. But I think a 4 bar array @ 480 watts will suffice for now, I only plan on having 2 plants in there. 3 tops. We shall see.

Aside from the space gained out there from downsizing to a 4x4. I think I'm liking this system of starting them in the 4x2 and if they are going to go big, putting them in the 8x4/4x4 = freeing up a spot in the 4x2 for something new. SO, having said that, after Sherb gets moved, it's going to be a Twenty20 Mendocino Glue Sniffer in a 10 gallon TALL. Dunno if she'll get big enough, fast enough to hang out w/ Sherb but we will see. Not sure if I should change the name of this thread (if I can) and just keep a continuous journal as I can. Or to start another thread for that? Anyway, rambling again.

Other news: Sage Scout is looking good. Has a little discoloration on some of the leaves. Had thought I had spilled nutes on her, but it's either genetic, or something else like windburn. And Strawberry Nuggets - topped her. Whoops! Couldn't resist even though I said I wouldn't so it. I'll try to add some more photos soon.
Day 55 Sherb is ready to go into her new home. Hopefully by the weekend.


Day 23 Sage Scout has recovered from the topping and pinning. Now it’s time for me to open her up a little. I’ll be doing that tomorrow.


Day 18 Strawberry Nuggets still a little pouty from her topping last night. Boy is she stout though. Very fearful of training too hard. Seems like she would split easily but we’ll see.

FYI - If my humidity looks crazy, it was for a sec. I had sprayed down the floor, walls, and top of the soil and pots with a little spinosad just in case there are any critters thinking they can live in my tent.