Indoor GreenBean's Grows

Yep! This was today just after I finished potting up the two sad looking littles in the front lol. You can clearly see I'm sticking to hubby's "no more than 4 in the 4x4" like a champ :rofl: and thanks! I think I'm finally hitting my stride with the whole thing.
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Haha! You should’ve seen my wife’s face after I put the 2 foot extension on the shorty. What else can I do?!! I’m not using the 4x4…yet.

She’s cool though. But she did freak on the cute little shorty transforming to a 6’11” monolith.
Not at all, I know it seams strange.
Mine do. One tank drains/releases almost all of its water before the other one kicks in and starts to drain. They say it’s normal but I was curious. Seems like both tanks were draining pretty evenly at first. Oh well. Thanks for responding.
Mendel at day 27. She’s starting to take more shape now. Probably need to open it up a little more tonight before she eats. She’s getting veg nutes till I see those cotton balls.



Baby Walter White at day 17. Starting to move and fill out the pot. Got her topping at the fifth last night. I try to do the toppings as soon as I can get fingers in there to pinch it off. Apparently this one’s not only a slow starter, but they go longer too.

Mendel at day 27. She’s starting to take more shape now. Probably need to open it up a little more tonight before she eats. She’s getting veg nutes till I see those cotton balls.

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Baby Walter White at day 17. Starting to move and fill out the pot. Got her topping at the fifth last night. I try to do the toppings as soon as I can get fingers in there to pinch it off. Apparently this one’s not only a slow starter, but they go longer too.

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Both starting to kick on now m8.. wee Walter in particular.. If u have 5 sets out at 17 days id say she's bang on track no?? Mind u im in soil.. youre in coco yea?? Are your girls usually moving quicker than that?
Both starting to kick on now m8.. wee Walter in particular.. If u have 5 sets out at 17 days id say she's bang on track no?? Mind u im in soil.. youre in coco yea?? Are your girls usually moving quicker than that?

Yep, coco. I have sort of forgotten the usual progress for my grows with that 3-4 month break when we moved. So I have to go back and look at photos from the last run. Keeping these journals is actually really helpful for that. But yeah, they do appear to be on pace with the usual runs when I go back and look. And my little tricks and methods are coming back to me bit by bit. Not that I do anything special, we just all have our different styles to growing. environments, lights, etc. And we adjust to those. My grows tend to move out and fill the pot before they move up.

I kind of worry a bit until I see that stretch though. I knew going in that Walter was "supposed" to move a little slower for the first 2 weeks, and now she's starting to move. So I guess the Mephisto strain description is pretty accurate. The Mendel I have zero info on, he doesn't provide that information, and I really wish he did. Strain descriptions aren't always totally accurate, but at least they hopefully give you some idea?

EDIT - Mendel got her topping on the 18th day. So not much difference in that respect. Mendel was a little more vertical at that stage though.
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I also tend to put unrealistic goals and pressure on myself.

One thing - if I harvested a 20.5 oz yield last run from one plant, then I expect to improve on that every grow.

The other thing - If I'm used to getting those types of yields in a larger tent (4x4 or 8x4), running from seed to harvest in a 4x2 makes me think I'm gonna get plants half the size. I mean, I know that 4 plants in a 4x4 is the same as 2 plants in a 4x2. But I'm dumb and too superstitious. I'm trying to work on that.
I also tend to put unrealistic goals and pressure on myself.

One thing - if I harvested a 20.5 oz yield last run from one plant, then I expect to improve on that every grow.

The other thing - If I'm used to getting those types of yields in a larger tent (4x4 or 8x4), running from seed to harvest in a 4x2 makes me think I'm gonna get plants half the size. I mean, I know that 4 plants in a 4x4 is the same as 2 plants in a 4x2. But I'm dumb and too superstitious. I'm trying to work on that.
Where does 16 in a 4x4 put me? :rofl:
Where does 16 in a 4x4 put me? :rofl:

Madwoman territory! When I started growing it was outdoors with photos. That shit is pretty tough with all of the elements and pests out here and a 6 month cycle. Moving indoors to a tent, I was like...MAN this is EASY! So I promptly grew about 12 photos in the old 8x4. And my first auto. Didn't take too long to figure out that I wouldn't have all that room for too long. Not to mention I was 2X over the legal limit here. I get it though, I get all excited and want to pop all the beans. I'm already picking my next run.