Indoor GreenBean's Grows

If that's a Brother Mendel, then you're in for a treat. The last grow and show was a pleasure to observe. The lateral branching was impressive!

Thank you.
Alright, as @hope2grow said it would, it's coming back to me. There's sort of...a little less stress running 2 in a 2x4 and I actually kind of enjoy it to be honest. Anyway, as always, the key is always in listening to what the plants are asking for. It's sort of a beautiful, symbiotic thing.

Day 15 on the Mendel Pina and she's telling me that she wants MORE. So I'm obliging. I bumped her to 3g each of V1 and 2. She's an easy going girl that I'm thinking I can REALLY push to the limits. She's handled 3/4 of a gallon of nutes before runoff the past two days, so that s a good sign. She's on pace to be topped around Day 21. I just removed her cotyledons yesterday to push her UP towards the lights. She is beginning to oblige. She's going to be a fun one. Side note - if you start to strip lower growth before you top, make a note, easier to remember what node you're on. I've also put some small stickies on the pots to gauge for any pests. See my yeast bomb in the lower left? I'm waiting on the Exhale bag to kick in. Pretty interesting thread on that happened earlier:


And WALTER! Kind of a peanut, but she's growing. Day 5 I believe and just started to feed at about 33% strength:


Of course, this is all due to Larry. I mean, he guides us ALL.


And just because...

Day 17, Mendel has been topped at her fifth node. I prefer to top as soon as that node is large enough so I can get my fingers in there to pinch it off. Better sooner than later. And I usually do it a little before lights out, so she gets a little rest and wakes up to a good feeding. From this point, I’ll just let her go. Some defoliation and tucking here and there until she’s at the point where I want to open her canopy up. Let’s see what happens. She appears to be on pace. I’ll get some full plant photos later or something.

Edit to add - I run my lights 18/6 on an opposite schedule. So they’re off during the warmest part of the day 12PM - 6PM year round. In case there’s any confusion about why they’re just now going to sleep.

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Brother Mendel Piña Kaleidoscope at day 17, after the top, her 6 hour nap and a nice feed. She’s looking good. Nice structure so far. Let’s see how tall I can get her. Just bumped the PPFD up to around 400. I’d normally go higher and will. I just want Walter to establish a little more.


And baby Walter = Mephisto Walter White. 7 days old. According to Mephisto she stays “small for the first two weeks, then all hell breaks loose.”. Let’s see what happens.

Piña Kaleidoscope at day 19. Starting to look like I expect. Topping didn’t slow her down. Quite the opposite. That coupled with the fact that she’s seeming to settle on 3 g each per gallon of the Floraflex V1 & 2. Bumped PPFD to 500 yesterday and 600 today. And she’s starting to go.

This Atreum bar setup in my 4x2 is a 3 bar array @ 320 watts. Not a dark spot in the tent. Remember at my old place this was the veg tent. Then I put them in the 4x4 with the 480 watt Atreum array. So this should be interesting to see how they get along with an extra 10 watts per square foot. May not mean a damn thing. But there’s 3 bars in my 4x2 vs 4 bars in the 4x4. So way better light distribution.

Still haven’t decided if I want to run 2 4x2, or put this one back in shorty mode in the closet. And put up the 4x4. Anyway, I’m rambling. I feel like I’m getting my gardening skills back after the involuntary growing “vacation”.

Here’s Piña. She’s getting a little clumpy. Waiting for that vertical growth to open the canopy.


Baby Walter White is just going to have to deal with the PPFD bump. But she’s coming along in her ninth day. She’s at about 33% strength nutes now.

Just noticed a little tip burn on Pina on a couple of her older young leaves, last night. Didn't notice it before because she's a little clumpy. Not a big deal, it happens. Don't notice any bluing on her leaves though. Maybe a result of something I did in the beginning? Dunno.

What is an issue, and now I remember why this time of year can be tough, is that the tent hit 87 degrees last night after I bumped my light up in PPFD. Humidity plummeted. Not even THAT warm here yet. Supposed to be mid 90s the rest of the week though.

My evaporative humidifier is a 1 gallon Honeywell that does fine most of the time. But, been there done that. Ordered a 4 gallon Vornado room/ 1000 sq ft. evap humidifier that I'll put in the room. Hopefully that helps keep the RH up if the heat is going to go that high. Obviously we have AC, but can't run it full blast for a 2x4 as I'm not made out of money.
I stuck an old 6” inline fan in one of my bottom ports on the gorilla. This does a decent job of pulling in some fresh, cooler air to help cool the tent. I used my speed controller to dial the fan down a bit.

That’s not earth shattering knowledge. But, the side ports on the gorillas are 12” I think? You can actually use one of the smaller Holmes air circulators in there too. Works even better. Like the photo below. I usually use those in flower on the floor blowing up into the canopy. Only issue with that in a side port is that there’s a lot of light spill into the room. Could be an issue if you sleep in there. I’m going to figure something out just because I’d like to see if I can come up with a solution to that. That’s just an FYI if anyone stumbles across this and it helps.

EDIT - I guess it’s a Honeywell not a Holmes, duh. Same thing!

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Mendel Piña Kaleidoscope at 21 days today. Beginning to look good. Still perplexed about that older leaf tip burn. But can’t make an omelette without breaking some eggs? She’s taking a full gallon now.


Baby Walter is 11 days old. Sorta living up to the Mephisto description of a “slower” starter for the first 2 weeks. She’s healthy though. She’s up to 50% feed. Maybe some magic going on under the coco because she took almost a gallon last night. So…LETS SEE WHAT HAPPENS!

You call that leaf burn. I'll show you leaf burn! Actually, some of my plants had some N def this round.
You call that leaf burn. I'll show you leaf burn! Actually, some of my plants had some N def this round.
Haha! I haven’t seen tips burn in a long time man. You know I’m paranoid that I lost my touch.