Indoor GreenBean's Grows

It's the stickiest flower I've ever experienced. I haven't tried it yet. I will try it out this weekend I guess.
I didn't know there were different badges. I think @420Forever was following my escapades here.

:bravo: :slap: congratz on the elbow & another shiny lil badge is now ur'z for the effort :thumbsup: display it under ur name by goin to profile > badgez & clickin the lil megaphone icon beside it ;) ppp
Thanks for the reps everyone. I didn't realize that there was a 2 lb badge. Has anyone got that one? Off a single plant? Anyhow, more to come...let's see if I lost a step since the move with the current run.
I think that a taller pot my be the ticket say the same footprint as the 10 gallon but a 15 gallon.
I think that a taller pot my be the ticket say the same footprint as the 10 gallon but a 15 gallon.

Yeah, or just taller in general. I actually ordered TALL 10 gallon pots to compare like I mentioned wayyyyy back at the beginning of this thread. But I don't like them. They're just too top heavy to me once they're filled with medium. Imagine a sausage link standing on it's end. That's what it reminded me of. I'm sure you can make it work. But I could imagine being super easy to tip over. So I ditched the idea for now.
Just a minor update on the current run. Brother Mendel Pina Kaleidoscope is officially 1 week old today and got her first feed. 25% of my veg dosage strength of Floraflex V1/2. I’ll bump it to 50% soon. Everything there is going as I expect and we’ll see how hard I can push this one. Obligatory boring photo…


My real concern is with the Walter Whites. First seed was a dud. And in all honesty, I’m not so confident in the latest one. I’ve personally never had issues like this germinating. Especially Mephisto. So…I’m going to give this seed one more week and if it hasn’t broken ground by then, I’m just moving on. I’ll come back to it later.

Hey everyone. Just checking in. The Mendel Pina Kaleidoscope is at day 12 and is looking pretty normal for 12 days. Aside from her first true leaves looking a little "warped". She just got her first feed of full strength, well my full strength, Floraflex V1 and V1 @ 2 grams of each, last night. She looks like she'll start to jump soon. No idea really about this strain tbh. He really needs to work on his strain descriptions. I was interested in this strain due to the "pineapple"in it and that's all I had to go by.

Walter White...OH WALTER. It took me losing 2 seeds, and on the third I said I would move on if I didn't get it to pop. But it finally did on Sunday. So she's on day 3. Not sure what happened there? Maybe I dunked the first 2 seeds too long? Dunno. But I've got one going finally. Soaked it for about 9 hours - just long enough to sink - and put her in the dirt. She broke ground 2 days later.

Still getting my feet under me. Feel like I lost a step. I guess it's because everything is in a different place now since the move. Guess I'm truly a creature of habit and sorta wish I wasn't. So we shall see how fast it all comes back and how this first run in the new place goes.

I'll post some photos soon enough.
Hey everyone. Just checking in. The Mendel Pina Kaleidoscope is at day 12 and is looking pretty normal for 12 days. Aside from her first true leaves looking a little "warped". She just got her first feed of full strength, well my full strength, Floraflex V1 and V1 @ 2 grams of each, last night. She looks like she'll start to jump soon. No idea really about this strain tbh. He really needs to work on his strain descriptions. I was interested in this strain due to the "pineapple"in it and that's all I had to go by.

Walter White...OH WALTER. It took me losing 2 seeds, and on the third I said I would move on if I didn't get it to pop. But it finally did on Sunday. So she's on day 3. Not sure what happened there? Maybe I dunked the first 2 seeds too long? Dunno. But I've got one going finally. Soaked it for about 9 hours - just long enough to sink - and put her in the dirt. She broke ground 2 days later.

Still getting my feet under me. Feel like I lost a step. I guess it's because everything is in a different place now since the move. Guess I'm truly a creature of habit and sorta wish I wasn't. So we shall see how fast it all comes back and how this first run in the new place goes.

I'll post some photos soon enough.

You'll soon get into the old habit in the new place m8 :d5:
Here’s Mendel at day 12. Just gave her her second full strength veg feed w/a little silica. Fed until runoff which she hit pretty quickly, since I fed yesterday. Per my usual I’ll likely let her take in as much as she can now for a couple days, then I’ll resume feeding her again on Thursday. Need to see what she consumes. So I can map out how I should push her.

Pretty much going to be another low LST grow until they’re tall enough to start in with the grommets. I will be topping when it’s time. Plus the usual lower defoliation.

Anyways …



If that's a Brother Mendel, then you're in for a treat. The last grow and show was a pleasure to observe. The lateral branching was impressive!
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