Indoor GreenBean's Grows

I had strawberry banana in a 7gal looking about the same. I think that some plants don't like to be trained as much. I had some other plants I trained the crapp out of where the lower buds were huge and rock hard. I am asking myself questions as well. Next time I grow it I will train to a limited amount of tops.
If your strawberry banana was a FB, then I’m starting to notice a trend in FB in my tents. I had similar issues with Zkittlez. And the zkittlez is one of my favorites to partake of.

Almost like every FB I grow wants to foxtail, or at least looks like it’s on the verge. Never had the issue with any other seeds/“genetics”.

But I DO prefer the way I have started training with the Sage Scout and Nuggets. And that’s my way going forward. Kind of letting the plants tell me how they need to be trained. Versus trying to max out tops and forcing some type of perfect canopy. So you may be onto something there.
If your strawberry banana was a FB, then I’m starting to notice a trend in FB in my tents. I had similar issues with Zkittlez. And the zkittlez is one of my favorites to partake of.

Almost like every FB I grow wants to foxtail, or at least looks like it’s on the verge. Never had the issue with any other seeds/“genetics”.

But I DO prefer the way I have started training with the Sage Scout and Nuggets. And that’s my way going forward. Kind of letting the plants tell me how they need to be trained. Versus trying to max out tops and forcing some type of perfect canopy. So you may be onto something there.
I have had some of the other genetics foxtail or on the verge. I am ready to cut Anvil and it has lumpy buds. The longer you let them go the more it happens. I did not have fox tailing I just had too many sites. I took out about 20plus sites first week of bloom and still had too many sites to count on one plant. So I had very few bigger buds. It was almost impossible to thin it out after I trained it so heavily, to many side shoots. I have had good luck with FB genetics, but never trained it so heavily.
Well, day 107 and Orange Sherbet is finally showing some amber. She’s on 1/2 dose of ripener/full tilt for the week, then water. So we’ll see how she looks by the end of the week. I’m thinking she’s coming down 2 weeks from today. Ironically, Sage Scout will be right behind her.

Day 76 and Sage Scout is plumping up very nicely and uniformly, and just frost soaked. I don’t edit the photos, but she’s taking on very nice purple in her fruit. Not sure if that shows. Smells have transformed from cigarette butts and sage, to more of a minty cookie. Leaves are dying back a little as she heads into the home stretch and taking on a lot of purple too.


Just topped yesterday on the 16th day at node 5. She's looking strong and wonderfully healthy, I'll try to grab a photo later on. I believe I am going to do this run without a net, it's been awhile since I've done that. I may change my mind. There's a FB Zkittlez on the other side of the tent finishing up. So I may get the 10 gallon TALL pot ready and go ahead and toss the Mephisto in there in the next couple days. So, this may end up being a 2-3 plant grow thread. I will edit the thread title to reflect if so. Mephisto will be double grape.

Note - If I type tall as TALL, it's only to emphasize that whichever particular plant is in a tall 10 gallon vs the standard height 10 gallon that the Sherb is in. Yes, not exactly apples to apples with the strains. But I can still observe the process and results and gauge.

My goal here is to sort of hash out a theory of bigger pot = longer veg, on a different type of scale. If the pot is deeper and it takes longer for the taproot to reach bottom, it could result in even better harvests. Not only that, but the tall pots take up much less floor space. Theoretically, it may be a jungle, but you could easily fit 3, 10 gallon TALL pots and saucers in a 4x2. In addition if a tall pot does increase plant size, you could use talls in 5, 7, whatever size as well. Only concern I might have is if the plant gets top heavy enough to fall over. Sorry for the ramble. I think about this stuff too much.
I've looked for tall pots that don't cost $50 each. Do you have a source?
Almost forgot. Those “albino” splotches on some of the Sage Scout leaves. Never seen anything like it before. But if there’s a bud there, it has the splotches too.


4x2 update. I’ve been feeding the Floraflex V1 and 2 at half strength during veg. Supplemented a teaspoon of cal mag per gallon for a couple days every other week. Likewise with silica. Fed epsom at 1/2 teaspoon per gallon twice. Zero recharge. Bumped AMR up to 3g of V1 and V2 = 3/4 dose for the last week of veg just as a “boost”. I’m seeing zero deficiencies, or over feeding at all. We’ll see if that holds in flower.

Twisted Tree AMR - day 34. She’s hitting flower now. So she’s going to B nutes shortly. And with Sherb ending, I may have to smush Sherb over and move AMR to the 4x4 soon. I don’t really want to install the height extension on my shorty, and she’ll run out of head space soon. This is my first Twisted Tree grow, I’ve had the seeds forever. Now I’m kicking myself for not running her sooner. Don’t want to jinx it, but so far her overall vigor and structure is ranking up there with the best I’ve grown.


Glue Sniffer- day 12. No mutant.


And Hey! New Baby Jean-o What’s My Name is born! Gotta keep this one away from Willy!

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Up next in the queue: Mephisto - Mango Smile.

Pop queue - as long as it doesn't get too cold out in the garage. Otherwise I'll hold off till Feb and give the 4x2 a break. Who am I kidding?:

1: Gnome - Blackstrap
2: Mendel - Pina Kaleidoscope
3: Mephisto - Double Grape
4: Another FB Zkittlez run? / ???

Debating grabbing more Strawberry Nuggets today from Mephisto.

In search of: Rocbud - the only breeder on my want list that I've never grown. Never had the time to hunt it down. And dunno honestly how long the guy will be in biz from the sound of things.

Also looking for something of a banana strain. Any recommendations? Autos. I'm taking a break from outdoors photos, and photos in general for a bit.

That's all I got for today. A brutal week of printing is ahead of me.
Resisted today's Mephisto drop. Glad I did. I will be ALL over the cyber Monday drop. Seriously, nothing on that list looks bad. Not that they ever do. But still.