Indoor GreenBean's Grows

Sage Scout day 71. She’s packing some heat!

It’s a dark day in the green bean house. Was cleaning up the floor in my 4x2 and had to pull the pots out real quick. Turned around and saw my dog running off with my baby Jeano in his dirty, little mouth. Back to the drawing board for that one.
FYI - if you see this little dude hanging around, lock up your plants. His name is Willy. He’s also known as The Devil. But…he’s my little buddy. So…

I know. Hard to get super mad at the little guy. Just have to laugh it off and move forward I guess.
Like 2 years ago my seedlings we're getting ate up down to the stalks it happened like 3 times in a row n drove me nuts till I found out one of my kittens was climbing into my cab through a vent hole n eating them. It's annoying n frustrating but it's almost impossible to get upset with the animals! They are lucky they are cute n cuddly lol.
Like 2 years ago my seedlings we're getting ate up down to the stalks it happened like 3 times in a row n drove me nuts till I found out one of my kittens was climbing into my cab through a vent hole n eating them. It's annoying n frustrating but it's almost impossible to get upset with the animals! They are lucky they are cute n cuddly lol.

Yeah, I know. I usually try to keep the dogs out when I'm working in the tents, but he kind of follows me around a lot. So he'll hang out in there with me sometimes. At the end of the day, it's on me for putting it somewhere it could be gotten to. But in my defense, MF moved FAST and STEALTH!

All good. I dunked another WMN already. And learned a new lesson.
Twisted Tree AMR - day 30. Still impressed. Did a little canopy opening and light lollipopping. Upped the Floraflex V1 and V2 to 3g per gallon to boost her a bit. She’s heading into flower, so I’ll keep that up until I see the little cotton balls forming, then onto the B schedule. Looks like she’ll be another good producer.

PS - you can see the little Glue Sniffer redux there. Day 11 and this one’s not a mutant. So in hindsight, I’m glad I decided to start over on that one.
