Been smoking all day long and it feels goood ! After ten months on the fresian its always nice to change over to auto weed, less of a stone over and lovely flavours to go with it. Been up for a hike with the camera so ive got the whole line up for show.
Fresian Dew
Early Skunk
Fresian Duck
The little half eaten one in the pot is a forrest dream the one on the right is fresian dew
Both fresian dew, little one was a month later and also got eaten !
The infirmary ! Little eaten fresian and a sick early skunk, had one got like this 5 years ago exaclty the same symptoms, pretty sure its using crap soil !
Forest dream, its not tiered its in a 20 litre pot, im just seeing how she flowers here, second week of october DP say so im not hoping for much, kept her and her sister in pots so if theres a chance i might move them to sea level and a clearer spot in oct !
So those are the photoperiod plants, will come back to them in september when flowering kicks off.