Extraction Green dragon...(becareful)

8grams in 6 oz... there is your problem...

6 oz of 151 needs 10.5 grams...

But I have also found that if you do more that a double batch the cook time varies to get the 50% reduction in 151....

Its fast to make so try Just the standard 3.5 grams of small bud or bud shake....to 2 oz of 151... It should be very dark green in the end.

I have found that tollerances build up fast with GD so lay off the juice for a couple days before re-sampling...
Just a quick tip... When straining the cheesecloth, ball it up and put in a garlic press to remove as much tincture as possible...
Sounds like you made a batch..... Anxious to hear your results :smokebuds:
Something I did before making my batch was I stabilized the temperature of the water I was using before i created the double boiler method. It took about an hour just to find the right setting that wasnt too little or too much heat, adjusting it just a little bit of a time until it settled to where I needed it to be. another important thing is, if your oven is old if the temperature is off in it just a little bit perhaps if you are using a gas oven your'e setting yourself up for failure as you will need a source of steady heat to keep a temperature as opposed to blasts of intermittent heat so even some stove-tops that are brand new because of the design and the way it functions are just simply going to burn your thc.
I have always used the 5 min decarb...and always put my MJ on aluminum foil...and its always worked the same...in my gas oven.
I guess I was wrong for assuming that all gas ovens produced intermittent blasts. I've only ever used one in my life and hated it. Burnt my food all the the time. I stand corrected. Thanks Cres
I dont doubt there are shitty ovens... but with 5 mins...and the fact that the consensus is out on weather 250F or 350F...on 325F for 5 mins is going to minimize damage if any were to occur at longer cook times...
Must have been a convection oven with random heat blasts ....
Once again Cres,..im sure every GD mixture is different per the strain ....I have some Magic Left but I only have about 6 grams and this is my saviour for Migranes .....
I ha ebsome shit weed from the homies Atm or would u suggest like very strong Pitney strain....the bag weed is all that bad but I don't think it will suffice isn't all that sparkly ..
To add onto what DubV mentioned earlier...whenever I strain tincture/butter/oil and am using cheesecloth/pantyhose etc...I use a pistol-grip hand clamp. I prefer the brand Irwin, they have larger plates than most so more surface area is exposed, better straining. :thumbs:

You do need to be careful and angle the clamp slightly downwards, away from the handle, unless you want tincture/butter running into the clamp and all over your hand. Sounds like common sense, but as we know, common sense ain't all that common. ;)

FWIW, I have made GD with brick pot...EONS ago...all we did was roughly grind the schwag up and fill up a 1/5th bottle 2/3 of the way full, then top off with vodka and let sit for 2 weeks in a closet, shaking every day. Of course, this was long before I'd even heard of decarb...and we only got a few shots worth, but it did the trick...:eek:
I've done the cold method with eveclear ....me and the old lady heard about it In Mi from a buddy that grows up there ...we did that last year ....but kept the shit in the freezer (His advice ) ....shit was ok I guess never noticed it till I woke up the next am .....
A shot would definitely end ur night ....

Taking a shot was terribly bad tho as I didn't strain it lol ...looked like a French rabbit with green teeth lol