New Grower Grams in a 1/2 gal Jar ...


Honey Hugger ...
Jun 16, 2012
Reaction score
My buddy keeps asking me how much in ozs is in a 1/2 gal jar ... I say between 1 oz and 1.5 ozs ... I have never weighed them ... Generally speaking ... how many grams do y'all get into a 1/2 gal jar ... for example ... each of these plates went into a 1/2 gal jar ...

I thought I had replied to this...

I store in 1/2 gallon jars and have between 2 and three oz on a full jar. It really depends on the density, moisture content, trimming level etc to what the jar will hold. If your trying to guess your harvest by the amount in a jar, good luck on that. But a scale as it's a lot more fun knowing what you have than thinking you know what you have.
I use quart jars and trim the little darlings pretty clean. I typically get about 42 grams per quart jar. That's full to the top, but not packed down.

you want to leave an inch or so of airspace and not pack the buds into the jar tight. They need to breath so as to end up with uniform moister content
I use quart jars and trim the little darlings pretty clean. I typically get about 42 grams per quart jar. That's full to the top, but not packed down.
38 grams, exactly what my at least 3 wk premature kush n cheese gave me. 1 one quart jar.
I've always avoided knowing in the past preferring to 'judge' my harvests by the number of 1/2 gal jars filled instead of by weight ... I've been out of town and I helped my friend dry and cure the buds in the OP and he kept saying he thought it was 2-3 oz per jar ... I've always figured about 1.5 oz cause fresh cured sinsemilla doesn't weigh up like bag weed ... I'm headed home now so I'll weigh a couple of my full jars and a couple empty jars and average it out ...

Thanks for the input y'all ... :thanks: