As a grower, how do you deal with incoherent/wacky state laws covering growing and possession?

This thread was originally about how to handle the grow and posession limits placed on us. It diverged into a discussion about nasty cops and related legal rights...important discussion but slightly off topic.

So to summarize the initial topic, if we exceed the stupid laws we need to be discreet, not draw attention to ourselves, seal our stashes and store them well, make edibles and concentrates, and share the harvest.

And I will add please vote locally for canna friendly candidates.

Re: bartering trading etc I can see trading for professional services can be seen as dealing but it is unclear. What if your friend who is not a pro but is handy with engines fixes your car and gets an ounce to return the favor....
with engines fixes your car and gets an ounce to return the favor....
Two separate things.

Your awesome friend was nice and fixed your car.

Your friends awesome friend (you) was nice and gave him some completely legal medicine for his back pain (or whatever).

No reason for it to be reciprocal.