Best All-In-1 Nutrients, Lowdown on Strains with Big Promises, Current Situation in Arizona

Aug 12, 2019
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Greetings, AFN. I am not actually growing anything right now, but I have been reading up on autoflowers on the internet for some time now. I don't have any of the commonly-encountered pessimism about autoflowers--the internet is full of examples of great strains with good potency, with percentages like 16%, 17%, and 18% showing up in reviews and wiki articles all across the web, with a half-dozen or so strains boasting full sledgehammer effects.

I live in Arizona. Currently, we only have medical marijuana, and there is a ludicrous restriction in the law that forbids anyone within 25 miles of a dispensary from growing their own weed. So a card isn't much help in that regard. However, the dispensaries and cannabis capitalists from around the country have finally filed their own version of a legalization initiative, the Arizona Legalization Initiative (2020). The same set of interests got a legalization initiative on the ballot in 2016, the Arizona Marijuana Legalization Initiative [Proposition 205] (2016), and it lost by something like 2%. So, realistically, we may get some grow rights in December 2020.

There is another group that filed a legalization initiative first, the Arizona Marijuana Legalization Initiative (2020), back in January, but their version doesn't have moneyed backing. I worked with the most active grassroots organization here, Safer Arizona, to get a similar initiative on the ballot for the 2018 election, the Arizona Marijuana Legalization Initiative (2018). It didn't even come close to getting enough signatures to get on the ballot. I had a lot of fun, and I thoroughly enjoyed working with the group, who are awesome. Like the initiative proposed in the 2018 attempt, the Arizona Marijuana Legalization Initiative (2020) has backing from Safer Arizona, and it is much less restrictive than the one backed by the big money. It's basically a whole-hog legalization attempt, with no smoking bans in any place where cigarettes are allowed, and no limits on possession. For a small fee, you could even sell your own marijuana without getting into the recreational dispensary game.

But the same set of problems could crop up. Without money, the group behind the more liberal initiative might not even get the signatures to get it on the ballot. And even if it did, it might scare the conservative middle voters in this state enough to cause them to abstain or vote against. On top of that, many Arizona voters are on a wavelength that makes them highly susceptible to the Reefer Madness political advertising strategy that probably killed the 2016 attempt.

Having analyzed all of these pieces on the map, I'm ready to predict that the industry-backed legalization initiative will definitely get on the ballot in Arizona, and that it will win in the election. The initiative backed by Safer Arizona isn't going to get enough signatures to get on the ballot. Safer Arizona may rally a protest "no" vote against the more conservative proposal, but I think the industry-backed initiative has enough restrictions and addresses enough of the knee-jerk concerns of the soccer moms and dads who were scared by the Reefer Madness anti-legalization campaign of 2016 to win a big chunk of them over in 2020. Plus, the most anti-legalization demographic in 2016 were the Arizona elderly. Hundreds of thousand of them will have been replaced by slightly but significantly more marijuana-friendly voters. It's just a fact. I'm not trying to make fun of anyone.

Here's the problem. The industry-backed initiative, the one that most likely will be law once the Secretary of State certifies the elections in early December 2020, is really restrictive on possession. There is no "keep all you harvest in your own home" clause in the initiative, a la California or Colorado. There isn't even a reasonable 8 ounce possession-in-home limit, like Oregon, or even a claustrophobic 4 ounce de facto limit like the one you have in Alaska. For everyone, under all circumstances, the limit is 1 ounce.

However, you can grow 6 plants if you live alone, and 12 plants if there are at least 2 people living in your residence. Bizarre, right?

When Arizona originally passed it's medical marijuana law, a long time ago, the state legislature almost immediately gutted the law. Arizona's public initiative, or referendum, allows qualified residents to propose not only new laws to be put on the ballot, but also new constitutional amendments. The marijuana activists at the time got together and proposed a constitutional amendment that restricted the legislature from changing laws passed by popular initiative. It passed. The legislature needs something like a 2/3rds or 3/4ths majority under the constitution to change a voter-passed law, and then it can only change the law in a way that furthers the intent of the law. At the same time, Arizona passed its current medical marijuana law. The new medical law has been on the books, unmolested by the legislature, ever since. In the current industry-backed initiative, it spells out that one way the legislature can change the law in a way that furthers its intent is to raise the limit on the amount of marijuana a person can have. So a more marijuana-friendly government can change the 1 ounce to something more reasonable--even 2 ounces would be far better than 1 ounce.

But this brings me to the problem at hand, what I will be grappling with in December 2020. It seems the best way to have a decent supply of weed on hand without getting in trouble with the law would be to grow autoflowers round-robin in LED grow boxes.

1) There was an all-in-one nutrient powder that I desperately wanted to buy, but seems to have been abandoned by its makers. It was called Moon Dust. I can't find it for sale anywhere. It had the perfect mix of nutrients and microbes to get nearly perfect results with minimal effort. It is my understanding that autoflowers are very hardy plants and that they will grow in soil conditions that aren't monitored to the nth degree. What all-in-one powder would you buy if you wanted to perform a minimal-effort grow in a grow box? Preferably something I can buy in 1 pound quantities.

2) The claim for the fastest seed-to-harvest strain I could find anywhere on the internet was for a strain called Fast Critical Poison from 00 Seeds. Sub-7 weeks. Possibly 45 days. Also, it was claimed that it put on good weight in that time. With such a quick growth cycle, I could harvest from three round-robin grows about every two weeks. Are the claims true? And is the potency about what they claim--17%? That's more than satisfactory for me and anyone I want to share with, which would be perfectly legal in the event my prediction comes true.

3) There is a center to my social circle, and I would want to gift that center an ounce of the strongest weed I can grow in a reasonable amount of time. It looks like the heavyweight champion of stable autoflower strains is Alien vs. Triangle by Mephisto Genetics. I want to impress certain people with the thermonuclear potency of such a strain to turn them on to autoflowers before someone whispers in there ear that autoflowers are weak or inferior (not true!). If you can describe Alien vs. Triangle you have grown yourself, I would appreciate it. Bag appeal, nose appeal, stickiness, grinder performance, potency, etc.

If you've made it to the end of this post, thanks for hanging in there. The exposition, I hope, goes a long way to flesh out my current situation.

Mega crop, jacks professional, vita grow are off the top of my head for those. You could try dry amendments too from Gaia green or down to earth. Gaia green you’d get the all purpose 4-4-4 and bloom 2-8-4 or down to earth all purpose 4-4-4 and bloom 4-8-4. You’d add to soil first and top dress the rest of the way. Basically just water to desired ph and add top dress of nutrients periodically when needed every 2-3 weeks. Also there’s a breeder section for mephisto, you should check it out for a grow journal on alien vs triangle!
Have a look at Predator by @Sawney_bean , these are super quick. Our man will give you all the info you need :jointman: I know Bio-Tabs are difficult to get state side but those little tabs really need a place just for themselves on Mt.Krushmoore.
Is he still a member I ask :crying::crying::crying::crying:, stoners on a stoner site, I tell thee..
The 'possession' laws are similarly irrational here in Maryland allowing 1.5 oz; with 2-4 plants/household allowed; with no mention of the harvest from these plants being exempted (buds from just 1 plant make you a felon as the law reads); and no transfers, even gifting, allowed.

Can't go wrong with MegaCrop. I suggest the 2-part vs. 1-part version, with the 2 parts allowing you to better modify/customize N-P-K levels as the grow progresses. Otherwise, with the 1-part formulation you are going to be using more parts/supplements particularly during bloom.

I'd avoid any seeds claiming good weight (or any mature buds) in only about 45 days, and with good potency too. In that short time you simply can't have both high yield and potency. Caution: Is "Fast Critical Poison," even an autoflower strain (the name would usually include "Auto)."
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