Indoor GBD's SuperSoil SuperTrial

Red Poison day 54






Chem City Blues x Chemdogging 54






Auto Cush day 52






Supernatural OG day 46






I've been losing a lot of leaves and am still seeing fading on the Red Poison and Supernatural OG. After many hours contemplating it here are my thoughts. I haven't used the airpots in about 18 months, and did not bleach them before use. Plants in traditional pots are unaffected. The last time I used the airpots was in the same tent as a DWC grow that got pythium/root rot and showed similar symptoms. The airpots were stored alongside all of the hydro equipment so I'm thinking that somehow maybe they were contaminated. Anyway, that's where my head is at on it so I'm brewing up some Heisenberg tea now. I could be way off base, but a little microbe tea never hurts anything. If anyone else has any suggestions feel free to chime in.

Looking like a simple N deficiency to me. I have alot of leafs yellowing and dropping on my AN plants but the ones in your amendment are just fine. I doubt that the airpots got contaminated from the dwc stuff, unless there was moisture present. Pythium needs water to grow the bacteria. Dried pots and the like wont grow bacteria. Ladies are looking good, it is acceptable to loose a few leaves and yellow off a bit, just keep a close eye on em.
Looking like a simple N deficiency to me. I have alot of leafs yellowing and dropping on my AN plants but the ones in your amendment are just fine. I doubt that the airpots got contaminated from the dwc stuff, unless there was moisture present. Pythium needs water to grow the bacteria. Dried pots and the like wont grow bacteria. Ladies are looking good, it is acceptable to loose a few leaves and yellow off a bit, just keep a close eye on em.

I was hoping that I had been over thinking it! I remember reading that if you ever have a room get pythium you pretty much have to burn it down and build a fresh one to get rid of it, so I was a bit paranoid. I don't know much about it or if it can lay dormant. Also the way that they curl upwards was a bit odd. I've got some fresh worm castings that I'll top feed with tomorrow, along with giving them some beneficial microbe tea. Thanks for the input and peace of mind!
I think Bri may have yah covered, geebs :) CaMg and top dress SS kept it at bay for me on Yuki....

Speaking of Yuki....May she cure in peace ;)

Day 64 - Yuki Harvested...she was starting to foxtail pretty good and true to her reviews, has some density issues
totally strain related from what I've read. Juno and Trin are super dense.

About 15%-%20 amber and the only pistils that weren't orange were the fresh ones from the foxtails.

Smells incredible...sweet tangy taffy and roses.


So just Trinity the Blue Dream to go :) She's reportedly a 75 day plant. and we're on day 64. Maybe in a week.
We are looking at day 62/63. Hittin all the Tyrones with the cleanse. I do want to say, that all of them look outstanding, except for 1 plant and it is an Advanced plant that has suffered some serious cal/mag issues. I will take her down a week early, Next Wednesday and let the rest go another week, but It has only been 2 days and they are all yellowing quickly. Might have to play the chop day by ear, if there are no leaves left in a week! On to some pics...

nice plants all around folks. looks like your super soil recipe is working well gbd. heck, I wouldn't mind using some myself (hint..hint)lol
I know a lot red family has density issues but not all the time. I remember 1 of my black cream was just like that. Most potent weed I've grown tho :)

Yall looking great!!
Last girl standing...Trinity, the HSO Blue Dream Auto, on Day 67.

She's milky but not very amber as yet. Which is right on track with the literature.
I suspect 4 or 5 more days and she'll be ready to take.

I have to say, that even though I tortured this plant, she has really impressed
me with the bud density and the smell. I'm glad that it looks like I'll clear 2oz. on her.

Trin hit the canvas today :) Or more accurately...1/4 of Trin was harvest two days ago because I was running out of room in the tent...took two branches off Trin and was able to move her much closer to the wall. And today the rest of her came down. :)

Day 74

Density was real nice and the smell is still incredible! I wanted some daytime bud so I took her at about 10% amber. all milky.


So that wraps it up for my trial...sorta ;)

I may pop back in with some pics of the FLOs I'm growing in gbd's mix as well. Since I've
simplified to just simple CaMg and a tiny bit of Big Bloom, they've turned out really nice so
far. But they do have the advantage of being very small plants as well.

All in all, it was a decent freshman effort with the process...had some troubles of my own
making and corrected fast enough to not tank it. I imagine I'll get over 2 oz. off trinity and
just cleared over an ounce each on juno and yuki. Who are smoking INCREDIBLY I might add.
The Walter White-dom White Triangle is a real pleasure to smoke on all fronts. And Yuki
the Devil Cream...what she lacks in density, she has (hands down) in amazing sweet complex
flavors and a nice mellow workable high.

Sorry it wasn't smooth sailing the whole way through, geebs :)

Okay...I have to admit something I didn't want to have to admit....

I can tell the difference in flavor on these organic buds. It tastes better for two reasons. One
is that the intended flavor of the strain is more "concentrated" or "apparent" - strong.
and two, because there is an earthy, loamy, profile that is added. I don't like admitting this
because I was hoping it was less of the case than it is...I just figured Fox Farms nutes out.
I just got proficient with the schedule. And now...I don't know. But it will be organic at some
point. Not really a question now. I would certainly use gbd mix again...try and get more
experience with it because it's so easy.

Good Luck to you other guys (EoF, Bri, gbd) as stuff comes down :)
Thanks again for testing the mix for me, Sir Trapper! Lovely ladies all around! I'm glad to hear that the taste difference isn't just a placebo! @briman everything of yours is looking delicious as well! @elsamurai shoot me a pm and we can get that sorted.
