Indoor GBD's SuperSoil SuperTrial

Chem City Blues x Chemdogging day 62





Max rep for your efforts, pics, time and journal Trap!:slap: I am chopping all 7 Tyrones tonight! they look ready and I have to clear out the tent for another project myself! You do however have me very interested in the white triangle, but I am on bean restriction right after my next purchase!:biggrin: I've been saying that for a year now, but the bean fridge is full and dont have any more room! I'll get pics up later tonight.

gbd, you snuck a post in on me! Great looking ladies, but that auto cush looks dense man! One giant bud! Well grown gentlemen!
It's incredible bud, Bri...seriously. Flavor, potency, hits gently but quick then comes on smoothly.
The flavor is sweet and almost juicy fruity. Sounds like you have your work cut out for you this evening :)

Good Luck and take breaks! You'll be up to ears in scissor hash with those frosty Tyrones :)
Me and the son took the breeding tent last night and we will take all 7 Tyrones tonight. The boy wanted to see seeded bud and take a look at the seeds. He grows photo fems and has never seen seeded bud, only in pictures. I usually dry my weed on the stem, but the first stem chopped off the plant and seeds were hitting the table and bouncing off the ground! I covered the table with newspaper and chopped the buds right off the stem and into small paper bags they went. I'll dry them in the bag, in the herb dryer for 4-5 days and sit down with some rubber gloves and harvest the seeds. The bud and trim from it will go into zip locks for the freezer for hash runs. 4 different crosses with Stone Dragon being the donor with DP Blackberry kush, COTC Narco purps, COTC Narco therapy and Stone Dragon moms to receive! The Narco purps and Blackberry seeds were jet black and smaller than almost any seeds I have seen, but all looked mature and healthy. I'll get pics up of the plants later tonight, when the son comes over for the chop session! I cannot take the plants out to the garage here, this time of year. Its daylight until 11:30 pm and only dusk for about 4 hours. I went to bed last night at 3 am and it was light out and still gaining daylight by 5 minutes a day!
Evening all! finished the chop! Whew, I'm spent! Great news, the herb dryer has never had this much weed in it at one time! I only got hanging pics and no harvest pics. The boy came over but only stayed for about an hour. On another note, the lowers on a few plants, accidentally got some pollen from a male donor that I had in the breeding tent and ended up with a fair amount of seed. We now have a Stone Dragon x Tyrone Special. I am going to pm Mitch at mephisto and let him know and will not give these beans out to the public. Should be a good cross for medical and flavor! The pics in the bags are of the intended seeded plants. I will certainly be moving the breeding tent, out to the man cave for the males to do their thing! Lesson learned!
I will have to say, that your mix works GREAT in soil less mediums, gbd and want to thank you for the opportunity to try it out.
Now for the fun stuff, the 2 plants that were in the gbd mix, had more density and were actually bigger than the Advanced Nutrient plans. I wish I had the time to weigh out the colas, but as you can see, I like to dry on the stem. The growth in veg was a little slower on the gbd mix plants, but they caught up in flower and that is where the plants shined! I would certainly use this mix again and would love to run a whole tent full of kush plants with it.


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THAT is a sick drying cab :) and about as full as it can usefully get! Nice