Indoor GBD's SuperSoil SuperTrial

I love watching someone's grow when they first get it from a personal, first-hand's really the only way for a person to know for sure with so much hype in the world. Who woulda thought we would all be so entranced by watching little liquid-y mushroom-like spires grow like crazy on the leaf of a plant :)
Everyone is looking icy!

Red Poison day 49






Chem City Blues x Chemdogging day 49






Auto Cush day 47




Supernatural OG day 41





Geez, geebs....

That CCMxCD and Supernatural are going bonkers! They all look great :)

That RP is a little funky isn't it? Full purps for stalks, stems, fans then partial
on the flowers themselves. odd.
Thanks, @Trapper! The CCB x CD and Supernatural OG are putting it all out there! This is the second Auto Cush that has had bud bleaching, so I'd you ever grow her make sure to keep an eye out. The Red Poison is a very odd duck. It seems like she's trying to go purple by changing to yellow first. It's pretty cool that the undersides of the leaves are purple, but you're right about the flowers. They're struggling to make up their mind.
All right guys, you all have to start posting more pics, I'm starting to feel like a hardcore nerd. :)

Juno the White Triangle - Day 61 (She can hear the scissors being sharpened and cleaned with iso in the background)

This must be a high ranking example of the worst stewardship of a plant yielding the most incredible result.
These buds are DENSE...and the trichs are as advertised, ridiculous. :)


Juno the White Triangle hit the tundra today. She was a little early (maybe 48-72 hours) to make room for my Annie & Fanny in the main tent. She made it to Day 63 and appeared to be about 10-15% amber...most the pistils were orange. Juno was the smallest of the 3 and faired the worst as a result of grower error. But her quality appears to be beyond reproach.

Her smell at harvest is incredible...I know this is going to sound like hyperbolic over-romaticization but she really does smell like you stuck about 5 tropical fruit Lifesavers in your mouth then took a swig of freshly-squeezed lemonade. It's very penetrant. :)

She was a small gal - 133g wet. - works out to around 1.17 oz. at dry weight. I get the feeling not much of this is going to get gifted. ;)

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Very nice Eyes! Looking great man! Coming along nicely.
Trapper, you got me in tune with the Mephisto gear! Liking every one you have grown so far! Rebel was going to drop some. He was asking if anyone has grown it out. I told him, you were and gave him the link for this thread.
Well, I am on the cleanse myself and the Tyrones are getting plump and the side branches are bouncing and dangling with the weight on them! I like it when the side branches bounce! Means something was done right and the colas, whoa, the colas! I'll get pics up of em in a few days, been working some nasty hours lately and have not had much time to be around. Will get a proper update soon!